Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Illusive Ladder(s)

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump story just gets weirder and weirder. One of the weirdest aspects is the mystery of how the shooter managed to get on that roof - this despite multiple pictures of ladders resting against the building near the shooter.

Ladders? You ask?

Why isn't the media reporting on ladders?

This media site is:

TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)


I just did a little research on my own on Google Earth and looked up this AGR building at the Butler Farm Show Airport. It took a bit to find the actual building but it's there. The Google Earth image is copyright 2024 so it should be current I would think. The roof that the shooter was on has a slight slope but it is on the north-facing slope.

I have seen comments about how could this guy be on a tin roof in the hot sun - wouldn't it be scorching hot? Probably not intolerably hot late in the afternoon on the north slope of the roof.

But there is one question I have been asking myself. The police sniper had the shooter in his sights but didn't shoot. Why not? Was there a danger of people behind the shooter being hit by a sniper bullet? Google Earth clearly shows that there was no place for people to stand behind the shooter. There's only more of these single-story commercial buildings. So no, the Secret Service sniper shouldn't have perceived that danger. He should have seen that he had a clear shot with little danger of anybody in the crowd being hit.

Another mystery is this:

 News reports have spoken about there being police snipers inside the building that the shooter was on and that it was a two-story building with snipers in the windows on both levels maintaining a vigil over the area where Trump was speaking. The building the shooter was on is only a one-story building but it is part of a complex of buildings and one of those buildings is a two-story structure just to the northwest of the shooter and that building has several windows that would have overlooked the crowd. The thing is, those windows all overlook the roof that the shooter was on.

Not pointing fingers, mind you, but what the heck!

Oh, and, just to theorize, but my guess is that the tall stepladder wasn't there when the shooter climbed on the roof. He used the shorter ladder on top of the plastic storage shed and the tall stepladder was put there by police after the shooter had been spotted. A true conspiracy theorist would say that some trusted authority working with the shooter put that tall stepladder there just in time for the shooter to use it but that means the shooter set up the short ladder as a decoy. Not a likely scenario in my mind, possible but not likely.

So the real question here is why have the authorities not talked about the ten-foot stepladder seen in the helicopter footage just after the shooting? It's obvious that it was there. The police concocted a story about the policeman who climbed to the roof and was turned back by the shooter and climbed up there on another policeman's back, but the eve of that roof looks to be more than ten feet high. Must have been some super tall cops? Nobody in the crowd on the other side of the building who videoed the shooter crawling up the roof saw the police attempt so that must have happened on the side that was facing away from the crowd and that would be the side where the tall stepladder was spotted by the media helicopter afterward.

I mean, not pointing fingers, but what the heck!

There's a lot more to this story that hasn't come out yet but why are the authorities keeping so many secrets and just spoon-feeding the public?

Update July 20:

Here is a July 18 article in the Gateway Pundit that I previously missed that has multiple pictures that clearly show the second-story windows that overlook the roof that the shooter was on:

TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM


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