Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Biden's First Press Conference

 A note for history. President Biden held his first press conference since the inauguration today. There seemed to be a few reporters in the room but mostly empty floor space. I have a few impressions that I'll note.

He selected reporters from a list on his podium. It wasn't the typical setting where reporters compete for attention by calling out questions.

Biden seemed to have notes that he referred to when answering some of the questions which suggests to me that he knew the questions ahead of time.

He seemed rehearsed.

In other words there seemed to be the appearance that reporters submitted questions days in advance giving the Biden team the opportunity to coach old Joe until they felt he was ready to go public. The fact that no reporters talked about this suggests to me that it's an in-house secret, like one of those things where if you do let the cat out of the bag you'd not be welcome in the future.

He didn't fall asleep. I did but he didn't. He was boring.

There seemed to be considerable ass-licking going on. Put another way, the reporters who got to speak were flattering him, not confronting him. There was nothing in the room that in any way resembled President Trump's press conferences, no Jim Acosta demanding the mic and barking out insults, no cameras drowning out questions and answers with noisy shutter sounds.

Biden's answers seemed to sort of skim the surface of what few issues were covered. There was a heavy focus on the Mexico border plan but Biden seemed to be kicking the can down the road. He was vague about when reporters would be allowed to photograph the detention facilities. He did seem to say that once his people had all the problems sorted out, reporters would be allowed in. He also seemed to say that President Trump left children to starve to death on the Mexican side of the border. He seemed to say that there was nothing new about the migrant surge this year, that it happens every year about this same time. He said most of the individuals as well as most of the families were being returned to Mexico rather than being allowed into the U.S.

Just my opinion, but there seemed to be some real whoppers in what he said and I'm guessing nobody will call him out on any of them. I hope I'm wrong. Other than that it just seemed like a real waste of time watching him evade issues while appearing not to. The thing seemed more like a choreographed performance than it did a press conference. He only blanked out once or twice and even then for only a second or two.

One thing of note was when Biden straight-faced and without hesitation said that he first came to the Senate "120 years ago". Go figure. That would be the year 1901. Biden was in the Senate from 1973 to 2009 according to Wikipedia. Biden was talking about the filibuster procedure in the Senate. I wasn't able to decipher Biden's current position on the filibuster. Democrats have been talking about it since last fall. Apparently Barack Obama is on record calling the filibuster a relic of Jim Crow, in other words racist and thus due for cancellation by the cancel culture. I suppose that also explains the 120 years ago comment since also recently in the news was some sort of memo or directive or something in Oregon that calls on schools to abolish math because in math there exists right and wrong answers, clearly a racist construct.

Is it just my imagination or has the United States of America gone crazy?

I appreciate Tucker for this: Tucker analyzes Biden's 'slow and painful' press conference


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