Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, August 16, 2021

Afghanistan - A Time Stamp

I'm posting this for no other reason than to place a time stamp in this journal to mark the day that the United States and its allies lost the war in Afghanistan.

What everybody said would happen if the United States did not remain committed in that country has happened and the country has slipped back under authoritarian religious rule.

Who is to blame? Is it Biden's fault? Is it Trump's fault? Give me a break!

So now we get to see how China will integrate Afghanistan into its world vision. With the CIA presumably gone will the new Afghan government allow China to traffic the nation's opium? Will the trans-Afghan pipelines still feed India's energy needs? Will the heads of liberated Afghan women be rolling in the streets? Will there be hostages? Has the American folly reopened the door for the Russians in Afghanistan? Will the religion of the Taliban clash with Iran's Islamic worldview?

Just a time stamp. The world will just have to wait and see.


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