Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, February 24, 2023

Covid - How Long Must We Wait?

Here's a tease for you. While most people fell head over heels in love with the whole Covid-19 fiasco seeing it as the perfect justification for their own hatred of all things Trump, some of us, not many but some, saw through the hype. We've been waiting for years for the rest of humanity to catch on to this truth but trumpophobia is the preferred medication even now and the deadly vaccines are still God for most of humanity.

I don't fall in the camp that suggests Covid-19 wasn't real. I prefer to believe something far more sinister about it than that. What I am thinking about here is the hype that went along with Covid, the politics and the lies and the manipulation and the holier-than-thou virtue signaling and the discrimination.

So for some of us, this tidbit of news is long overdue but welcome should it actually happen:

Elon Musk On When People Will Admit COVID Response Was A “Scam” – “It’s Coming”

Maybe the time to wake up is finally at hand, but for the rest of you...

For the rest of you...

Have a good rest of your life in the matrix. Best of health to you all in your blue-pilled slumber. Enjoy yourself - all things considered. Pray for God to forgive your blindness.


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