Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, May 21, 2023

Tulsi Gabbard - Is She Halfway There Yet?

I've been watching Tulsi Gabbard for years, ever since 2016 actually when she dedicated herself to Bernie Sanders's presidential campaign. I always imagined that she had a lot of unrecognized potential. But she dedicated herself to Trumpophobia for some reason and lost my respect.

The problem as I see it is that Tulsi comes closer than anybody else in politics to advocating for the policies that Trump supporters believed Trump represented but she simply seems to hate Donald Trump. It's as though she has a racist bias against him, that she, as a colored person herself sees Trump as something like "The Last Great White Hope" but is terrified about confessing it.

Her Trumpophobia peaked during the 2020 presidential campaign when she ran in the Democrat primaries against him and she betrayed America when she successfully endorsed the Biden/Harris ticket.

She has come to regret her endorsement but to this day she can't admit Trump as an ally. However, she is rapidly gaining the reputation as someone who speaks truth to power. Despite this, it is my own opinion that she has only come part way. She's still not there. She still pulls her punches and I can't understand why.

But I just finished listening to the best interview with Tulsi that I have ever seen. It's current and covers more of her views than I have seen up until now. It is inspiring. But I still see Tulsi as a queen of virtue signaling, a central feature of her 2020 campaign. In other words, she has a way to go before I can trust her. But she's making progress. She's growing, maturing, faster than most.

This is a two-hour-plus interview:

Tulsi Gabbard | PBD Podcast | Episode 271


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