Is American Goodness Just a Fantasy?
Here's something that even I can't claim to have known before today:
COVID-19 was a GAE military operation, RFK Jr. reveals
This information appears to come from someone who is campaigning for the position of President of the United States.
You are a chicken if you can't expose yourself to this kind of information.
My biggest beef against President Trump is that he claimed that Operation Warp Speed was an accomplishment of his administration. Really??? Holy shit! Not that President Biden hasn't tried to claim the credit, mind you. That's a Biden thing, you know, claiming credit for other people's accomplishments while blaming others for his own failures.
But this!!!
Do you realize what all this means? It means that if this is the truth, then all these conspirators ought to be publicly hanged - broadcast live on all the networks and the Internet for all the world to see. That's what it means. I can't imagine that they haven't already done it!
Just the other day it was revealed that Bill Gates himself profited hundreds of millions of dollars most likely on insider information about the supposed producers of the vaccines that, word has it, have caused untold misery and death.
And where is Donald Trump on all this? Still claiming credit for Operation Warp Speed, is he?
What a hit this is!
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