Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, March 28, 2020


Recently, especially now with media coverage of the Wuhan coronavirus (as opposed to all other coronaviruses) I have become aware of the use of the word "science" as the one-and-only way to go about solving the problems and dealing with the threats created by COVID-19, the pandemic disease. Maybe you have noticed the same thing.

"Science" has also been touted as the only reliable source of solutions for the social terror of Climate Change.

I read the Wikipedia article on Greta Thunberg today. Science seems to be at the core of her pathological obsessions. She popped a cork so to speak when her science teachers began cluing her in on the apocalyptical predictions of climate change science.

For quite awhile now I have been wrestling with the idea that there is something fundamentally wrong with how society views science and the role of science in society. It wasn't until today that I realized the problem.

Science, in its pure and original form, is a discipline by means of which it is permissible to challenge the notion that a concept or a claim is true. In other words, if science is allowed to proceed as it is meant to proceed, nothing can be thought (believed or proven) to be true. In real science everything that lays claim to being true is subject to being debunked. It is never OK to say the debate is closed, the truth is proven beyond any doubt. Making that claim violates the very nature of the discipline of science.

Yet the word "science" is now being used in the media and in leftist circles to refer to ideas and concepts that by consensus are declared to be true. We use the word "science" in exact opposition to what it actually means.

So why do we do this?

We do it to convince uneducated people like Greta Thunberg to support Socialist causes. Whenever you see the word "science" being used to convince people of the unquestionable truth of anything, you have jumped the gap from reason and rational thought to Socialism. You see the word "science" now in the media and what you are actually witnessing is totalitarian authoritarian Socialism.

It's as simple as that.


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