The Liberal Sea Change
Is it my imagination or has there been a sea change in liberal politics in the United States?
The attitude about Biden since "Let's go Brandon" has changed. It's now OK to see Biden for what he is, cognitively challenged. It's also OK to point out that Biden abandoned his moderate political reputation in order to appease the AOC left, a politically unstable demographic who no doubt would love to see all senile old men die.
The attitude toward covid is changing because it's hard to maintain the illusions in the face of reality. Yes, the vaxed can spread covid. No, the vax doesn't protect the way they claimed it would. More on the way. No, it's not true what Supreme Court Justice Sotomayer said about a hundred thousand kids and covid.
It isn't likely that the paranoia over Russia will change since that one is so bipartisan. War mongers on the right join virtually all liberals in the need to trash Putin and the Russian people. Besides, that's an issue that could get Hillary Clinton elected.
Which brings me to the point.
Why has the sea changed? Why is the media suddenly acknowledging right-wing talking points?
My guess? Because Hillary is running for President again.
But hey, that's just one man's opinion.
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