Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Sunday, October 08, 2023

Cosmologic Fudge

Here we go again. The James Webb space telescope is demonstrating that the predictions of scientific theories were wrong so hey, fudge it. Right? Just fudge it. Stir it around until it gets all smooth again and sell it to the public.

The Dawn of The Universe Is Far Too Light. Astronomers May Have Figured Out Why.

I don't know about you, but when you think about it, when you sit and try to picture it, what these highly scholared scientific experts are asking us to believe is that no matter what direction we look with our magic telescopes, the farther we can see, the smaller the universe was when it sent out its light, light that is just now reaching us after 13 plus billion years. If we ever can look back far enough we will find the entire universe as a tiny ball no bigger than a tennis ball and we will find exactly the same thing - the same singularity - no matter what direction we look.

I call that insanity but they call it science.

And the whole point of it is that if that is what you believe, then you have no use for believing in an intelligent creator, God. Everything began in chaos and entropy took it from there. All thanks to the red shift.

Wouldn't it just make sense to come up with another explanation for the red shift?

Just sayin' ya know...


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