Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, August 17, 2021

Covid and Virtue

 It just dawned on me what all this chatter about the vaccinated getting the delta variant of Covid from the unvaccinated actually is.

Here's the thing:

Wasn't it just last week that we discovered that even the vaccinated can carry and transmit the delta variant? Am I imagining that or was it in the news? Not only can the vaccinated still get the delta variant but they can transmit it to other people, right? If I'm not correct about this then the rest of this argument I'm presenting doesn't hold much water, but if I have it right... well...

Now if you think about it most of us have been led to believe that getting the vaccine and being up to date on it enables us to regain some of the rights and liberty that we lost when the mask mandates and lockdowns and social distancing were so prevalent. Get vaccinated and you are safe to be around other people, right? So whereas before the vaccine you might have skipped out on movie theaters and restaurants and concerts and weddings and funerals and church services and schoolrooms and indoor sports events and on and on, now the vaccinated, because they are no longer contagious, can exercise the liberty to be out and about like that as long as the people they mingle with are also vaccinated. We are (or were for a month or so) free again.


Along comes science, last week was it?, and all of a sudden we find that even the vaccinated can pass the delta variant on to others, not just to the unvaccinated but to other vaccinated people.


Again and again and again we hear the claim from vaccinated people that it is the unvaccinated who are contagious and are irresponsible and on and on it goes. The unvaccinated shouldn't be allowed in the workplace or in the stores or anywhere else for that matter because they are the ones giving everybody this new Covid strain while in reality it is this false sense of security that the vaccinated now have that they aren't the problem that quite likely is responsible. It's hard to deny now that the vaccinated are spreading the delta variant.

So what does it gain for the vaccinated to preach their superior morality to the unvaccinated?

Brace yourself...

It is yet another form of liberal virtue signaling only this time it's not just limited to liberals.


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