An Hilarious Laugh
This is good for a laugh, Democrats at their best:
Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher
This is good for a laugh, Democrats at their best:
I never do this, but I watched last night's entire speech by President Trump to a joint session of Congress.
Trump was Trump through and through.
As near as I could tell, there was absolutely nothing at all that Trump said that found the approval of even a single Democrat in either the Senate or the House. Nothing.
Proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Uniparty is dead, and America truly is bipolar.
From my favorite news outlet, Sky News Australia who laugh at the news:
I love Ben & Jerry's ice cream but don't like promoting wokeism by buying it. So I haven't bought much of it in recent years.
But this news is intriguing:
I can't speak for the rest of the world but I have been noticing for the past few months at least how insignificant and untrustworthy the news headlines have become, especially the MSN headlines whenever I open up a new window in Microsoft Edge.
Some of the headlines are so ancient they seem to be covered with mold!
Kidding of course, but how can people trust the news when it has become so distorted, so TDS obsessed?
Touting the superiority of F-15's and F-16's? Even the ancient F-14 that only the Iranians fly now?
Bragging about the superiority of America's airpower when building warplanes in the USA has become so expensive all they can do is upgrade the relics?
Bringing up old stories about the Hubble and James Webb space telescopes as if the story just broke in the news yesterday?
All to simply deceive us... as in propaganda...
And they wonder why they have trust issues.
My twisted mind just came up with a new application for a term that I was always taught belonged to the Catholic religion.
Here it is...
It has dawned on me what MAGA really represents. During a MAGA term in office, America itself exists in a state of purgatory. This very well could be the last opportunity that America gets to submit to the truth. Banish the lies and open up to the truth. I seem to have the idea planted in my head that if you fail purgatory, you face an eternity in Hell.
From yesterday's Gateway Pundit:
When George W. Bush finished his second term as President, the Republican Party had become a pariah, hated by a good many of its members and by virtually all Democrats. Rumors of Obama's Communist leanings were flying around but nothing could be verified. The choice Americans faced was more wars in the Middle East essentially following the course laid out by the Project for the New American Century, a Jewish movement to get Americans to die fighting for Israel's interests. So Americans blinded themselves about Obama and voted him in, myself included.
It wasn't long before I realized my mistake. Eventually I became a "birther" and even wrote here about my findings including a letter by Loretta Fuddy, the official in the Hawaiian Government responsible for producing Obama's long-form birth certificate which Fuddy suggested was computer generated.
I am no longer a fan of Barack Obama. His critics had it right. I am also not a fan of George W. Bush. His critics also had it right as did hero John McCain's critics. 2008 screwed the American people ten ways to Sunday.
A couple of days ago I wrote about the problem down at the NSA. It's back in the news this morning.
Yesterday as my wife and I were going into the local Walmart there were a couple of somewhat heavy set early middle aged women leaving the store both dressed in black and both wearing the classic Democrat black Covid face masks. It appeared to me that both were in a bit of a rush and both focused on some unknown secret agenda. Their appearance and demeaner triggered in me a brief feeling of disgust. Mind you it might have all been just my imagination colored by the news from the day before, but the black Covid facemasks spoke prominently against them both.
So I spoke to my wife about them. Did you see those two women dressed in black with the black face masks? Oh yeah, I saw them, she replied. I said they look like they work for the NSA.
It took her maybe half a minute to register what I meant but when she did she started laughing and it was awhile before the humor of it wore off enough for her to settle back to the task at hand, shopping in Walmart.
Today's news is that the new Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Tulsi Gabbard, bless her soul, has correctly assessed the problem and is taking decisive action. If only someone with her character could take decisive action to get all the porn out of school libraries, eh?
Why is it that we as a society keep making excuses for these mentally challenged sexual deviants and insist on exposing ourselves and our kids to their abuse?
You read that right. Here's the story in brief:
This came up on Infowars. Here's Alex Jones taking the topic to an entirely new level.
Warning: This will gross you out!
One link found on YouTube:
What's the truth about this? God only knows but I would imagine it is much worse than any normal human would expect.
I just watched just about my favorite YouTube content creator's video for today. Aside from all the new and unusual information out of the EU and Ukraine he walks through what appears to me to be the busiest business district he has yet toured in Athens. This video had me in a spell:
If you ever want to leave all the propaganda behind you and see the world for what it actually is, you just can't beat this guy's daily walks.
I live in Maine, so I know this to be true. Maine deserves what is coming to it. From its full-term abortion laws to its sanctuary state for out-of-state trans surgeries and procedures against the will of the parents (the kidnapping bill) to the ungodly ugly governor dancing at a drag show to highly questionable voting procedures to its effort to keep Trump off the Maine ballot to opposition to Trump's cabinet picks to its representatives voting to impeach Trump based on obviously concocted Trump-hating political propaganda, etc. Maine deserves and has earned what's coming:
Maine people are already suffering from the draconian Marxism of its Democrats. One could argue that it doesn't deserve more suffering but until the Maine people overthrow the dirty Democrat politics, the suffering will continue.
By now, everybody has seen pictures and videos of the Delta-branded airliner that ended up upside down on a snowy Toronto runway.
There has recently been a considerable amount of backlash aimed at those online who have had the audacity of claiming that this crash was caused by a DEI hire and that she might have lacked the skills to safely land this airliner in severe weather conditions. Some respected YouTube aviation experts are ranting against the very idea that this young woman may have been a DEI hire.
So this counterargument is a breath of fresh air:
I've watched a good many of this guy's videos. It comes as a complete surprise to me that he has been chosen for this job, but I am immensely impressed! Great choice!
This ought to stir up more than a few Lefties.
So Trump plans on shutting down the CFPB, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and everybody is shocked!
I wonder what the problem might be?"
I hope nobody ever accuses me of being DEI. Here's what DEI is beginning to look like:
Witch is too tame a word for Maine's rabid governor.
Maine used to be a relatively sane place to live but too many Massholes moved in and it's an insane state now. Chinese grow houses, schools pushing insane culture agendas driving people of faith out of the school systems, Senators voting against the Defense Secretary when Maine depends on Bath Iron Works, referendum votes against low-cost Canadian power lines disturbing Maine's clearcut forests and on and on.
This has to take the Clown World award for today. I saw this and I said to myself I must have read this wrong but it turns out I was wrong:
This is a refreshing change from the Biden years during which concerned parents at local school board meetings were called "domestic terrorists" by America's Justice Department:
This may seem a bit corny, but I just watched this movie on YouTube and thoroughly enjoyed. Judging by the comments it brought it appears I am not alone in that:
Sometimes you just have to hand it to RT.
For example:
Back when I graduated from high school every male at the age of 18 was required to register for the draft. The Vietnam War was on and LBJ was President. I wound up enlisting rather than risking being drafted and dying in Vietnam. Actually, I played high school football my sophomore year with a guy who was killed in the Vietnam War, so the fear was real. But my point it that America drafted 18-year-old men to fight in the Vietnam War.
No such thing in Ukraine. It seems that the Ukraine War is geared to wiping out the older generations and preserving the newest ones.
That and sending every last Ukrainian neo-NAZI in the country to the killing fields.
Years ago, I started watching a YouTube channel by a couple of guys, one America, one South African, who conversed while riding their motorcycles around China. Eventually they left China when a wave of anti-white racism washed through the population, pre-Covid.
They continued producing content about (mostly against) the Chinese government.
Listen to where that got them with YouTube's various censorship techniques:
I spotted a lovely picture in the thrift store over across the river today. Nicely framed and in excellent condition it is a picture of the 1856 SS Queen Victoria Bell hanging on a rope with the ocean and the Prospect Harbor Lighthouse in the background. I inquired about it in the library in Sullivan and they directed me to this place in Prospect Harbor. It was closed and the parking lot seen here was covered in a thick, rough coating of frozen slush from our latest storm. But hey, now that I know where it is, I won't forget. Maybe next summer we'll pay this place a visit:
Here's an article with the identical picture:
I haven't been able to confirm this but the librarians in Sullivan told me that the original bell is now in Canada after a long battle by Canada to "repatriate" it from the town of Gouldsboro, Maine (Prospect Harbor).
In case you missed the latest news on the Ukraine war:
From Jimmy Dore... Steve Bannon interview:
Here is a video dated today of an NTSB presentation of recovered voice data and instrument data from the Blackhawk helicopter.
A more thorough video is here:
Although this doesn't resolve the helicopter altitude discrepancy it does indicate that it was quite likely much closer to 300 feet altitude than 200 feet. Data from the airliner shows the pilots making a strong pitch-up and an eleven-degree bank to the left. This seems to indicate that the airliner pilots attempted to move up and away from the helicopter. From what I heard here, it doesn't appear that the helicopter took evasive action. If anything, it made a slight correction to the left, towards the airliner.
What gets me is that every move the helicopter made is what it would have needed to make had it been the intent to deliberately ram the airliner. Even though this seems impossible, what it does mean to me is this. Had it been intentional there would have been nothing anybody other than the helicopter pilot herself could have done to stop her. Even if it wasn't intentional, this shows that there was nothing that could be done by anybody other than the helicopter pilot.
Nobody other than her failed.
But that's just my personal opinion. If you have to pin the blame somewhere, pin it on her.
Here is a tribute video to a YouTube star that I have been following almost from the start of her adventure years ago. Every word this man says is true although I have never seen her camp out overnight. Somehow, she always finds comfortable accommodations no matter where in the world she travels on her motorcycles.
I can promise you one thing if you follow her adventures. Although you will be blown away by her photography and the beauty of the places through which she rides, she will leave you worried. Watch her and see. Currently she is riding through Saudi Arabia - as always, by herself.
I just saw an unbelievable video this morning of an SUV, a white Jeep it looks like, being hit at a controlled intersection by a fast-moving passenger train in Utah. The driver of the SUV, rather than driving ahead to get off the tracks, backed up against the gates that had closed behind her, hesitated, backed up some more and stopped, then got out and abandoned her SUV on the tracks. Apparently, nobody was hurt.
The female reporter in this video suggested the way to handle this would have been to back up more and break the gates when the obvious "right way" would have been to just drive ahead off the tracks. The road ahead was unobstructed.
Women, eh? Sorry ladies, but hey, pay attention to this!
If you were paying attention watching this you would have noticed that a white Dodge pickup truck had rammed (Dodge RAM) the SUV pushing it onto the tracks so, this being the age of DEI, one would hope that the RAM driver was a guy so he could be assigned all the blame. Otherwise, the blame has to go to the guy driving the fast train. You can't blame dumb women for anything anymore.
Another Video showing the original RAM ram:
Now don't get me wrong here. Women can drive. I expected to see a guy step out of this white SUV, probably so I wouldn't have to virtue signal for the driver.
A few days ago, I stumbled across a video about dopamine and how it effects people's thinking and behavior and, if I recall, how it can be addictive. There's no doubt about it in my mind. The dopamine reward, the feeling you get, can be a thing you are motivated to experience again, just like the last opiate reaction or the last rush you got from smoking weed. It's like what keeps people coming back for the next hit of fentanyl even though you risk your life every time you do it.
Dopamine is like that.
Dopamine rushes can control your life.
I'm thinking of maybe ranting on this topic for a bit.
I'll begin with one simple observation. Dopamine isn't necessarily looking for anything real to trigger it. Think porn for instance. Porn is video images either on paper or onscreen along with sounds. It probably was real when it was recorded but there's nothing real about it when you see it. Yet it triggers dopamine. Heck even fictional sex or pornographic music like what's on the radio these days for young listeners are meant to meant to trigger dopamine. Video games let you pump yourself full of dopamine. Even cellphone use does it and addicts users to their expensive cellphones.
Think about this. I should pick up here maybe next time and explain how virtue signaling allows you to give yourself a shot of dopamine as a reward. If you don't understand virtue signaling, you should. Google it...
Two thoughts have plagued me today. I have resolved both though.
One is the sight of Adam Schiff speaking with Rachel Maddow last night about Tulsi Gabbard. He was ranting about how Tulsi has no experience with government intelligence so it makes no sense for her to be the DNI.
From the Sen. Adam Shiff YouTube Channel:
What better symbol could there be concerning Tulsi Gabbard's lack of skill when it comes to telling lies than this, Adam Shiff and Rachel Maddow speaking about her.
The second idea that has plagued me all day is the DC collision of an Army Blackhawk piloted by a Biden White House female Army officer. The videos have been everywhere for the past two weeks. The leftist media had a meltdown when President Trump angrily said that DEI was involved giving as an example that Air Traffic Control centers are undermanned after nearly a thousand white males had been deemed as unacceptable candidates because they don't represent diversity.
The odd thing about that collision is that if you watch the videos closely enough it is almost impossible to believe that it wasn't a deliberate act carried out by the Blackhawk pilot. I can't claim she did it deliberately, but it seems clear that she did it. She was the pilot who rammed the airliner that night.
This afternoon I watched a Steve Turley video about how leftists have been experiencing serious psychological issues since Trump's takeover. This should come as no surprise:
For this female pilot, this Biden favorite, the emotional harm may have been doubled by the Hegseth takeover of the Pentagon. There's no way to know how she took it emotionally since the family, cooperating with the Army, swept social media clean before announcing her name. But suppose this crash did have something to do with DEI.
Even if God Himself was responsible (explaining the one-in-a-million probability of it happening accidentally) the symbolism is the same.
What this collision represented symbolically, or at least should represent, is the crashing and burning of "Woke" culture.
America just can't afford this.
I watch this guy's YouTube video every single day. He's based in Greece but travels around. I was just thinking his is a worldview from the streets of Athens and Cyprus and occasionally elsewhere including Moscow. He walks and talks and informs the world from a common sense perspective speaking perfect American English. Who could possibly ask for more!
Back when Donald Trump was President the first time I recall being aware of the fact that Trump's representatives were speaking the truth openly to the media and to Congress at committee hearings.
When Biden took office, that trend was immediately abandoned and all of Biden's helpers were coy, deceptive, always hiding the truth.
Now Donald Trump is President again and just as I expected, all of his assistants and representatives openly speak the truth again. Trump's people want the public to know the truth.
So, in order of their appearance in my YouTube feed this morning:
Then this...
Truth on steroids:
And now this with the Whitehouse Press Secretary:
It dawned on me this morning why people like Adam Schiff and Governor Walz (Kamala's VP pick) and Nancy Pelosi and Biden and Blinken and all the other leftist politicians are the way they are, why they can't admit what the truth is, why they are always hiding it out of public view and more to the point how they can act this way without the slightest twinge of conscience.
It's because they all see themselves as character actors and every word from their mouths is in line with their character's role in the "Progressive" political story.
Oh and don't miss this one. Busy day today:
I don't see a date anywhere here that Boebert said this but Schiff moved up to the Senate this past November election thanks to the people of California.
Concerning the midair collision last month in Washington DC, here are recent YouTube videos that present stunningly disturbing videos of the wreckage as well as some more analysis of the crash itself.
From two days ago:
The commentator in this video, Ward Carroll, states at 4:32 in the video that the Blackhawk's female pilot's family's request to not announce her identity is "obscene, to put it mildly". As I seem to recall, that sort of thing is done with school shooters and with those attempting to assassinate Donald Trump. In this case it was highly inappropriate and highly suspicious to scrub the family's social media before announcing the name of the young Army pilot who, it would seem at least, was flying this Blackhawk.
This next video dated earlier today shows the Blackhawk wreckage being removed from the river and transported to a hanger for the investigation:
All I can say is even if this Blackhawk was intentionally driven into the airliner, something nobody will even yet suggest, it couldn't have hit a more direct bullseye, a direct hit into the very centerline of the Blackhawk.
Every aspect of this crash is deeply disturbing to say the very least.
I don't have this book and probably never will. It looks a bit red-pill to me so hey I recommend it:
This link was waiting for me in my inbox this morning. This is a perfect example of how it used to be before January 20, 2025. Remember?
And if that's not enough proof, consider this:
I have to admit, it makes me wonder what the Guard guards against if it can't guard against gay pornography and Marxist ideology in American public schools. Hopefully this paradigm has shifted back to sanity.
Excuse this guy's hair but it seems to me that in ten and a half minutes he presents the USAID scandal in a way that common people like me can understand:
YouTube was kind enough to lead these three videos my way.
In order of arrival:
Last night:
From the blancolirio:
4 days ago:
3 days ago
Today from an air traffic control perspective. Basically, the separation rules were not in force because ATC gave the helicopter visual separation permission. This also disputes the official 325 foot collision altitude.
I just posted this comment on one of the YouTube videos. I am slowly coming around to this perspective:
Total amateur here, no pilot experience, but two things I seem to be seeing here. One, the altitude of the collision seems to be based on the altimeter reading of the CRJ, the airliner. Nobody is questioning that reading or in any way suggesting that it might not be accurate. And two, every analysis that I have watched states without any question that nobody in the helicopter saw the airliner coming. What if both of those assumptions are wrong? What if the airliner was coming in below the glideslope because their altimeter was reading high and were flying low and level to catch up with the glideslope? What if the helicopter saw them low and assumed they were further descending and tried to rise above them, but the airliner didn't descend as expected? What if their permission to visually avoid the airliner, given twice by ATC, actually allowed them to do that to avoid a collision? All of the evidence leads to this scenario. But nobody analyzing this can visualize it. Question is, what is the probability that the airliner's altimeter was spot on accurate? Or if it was, what if the pilot of the airliner had a custom of making this approach this way, coming in below the glideslope, leveling out until they near the runway, then descending? Could that unintentionally fake out the helicopter pilots? I mean if you are flying this helicopter and you see this airliner coming in low and you assume it is descending, considering that the river is only 200 feet below you, would you go down beneath them or would you go up over them? The helicopter went up first, then veered right and descended if the available data is correct. It was attempting to avoid the collision.
Just one man's opinion. I could be wrong.
It just dawned on me this morning that the Trump administration is going after DEI like it was an infestation of termites eating away at everything normal people hold dear.
The January 29 airline collision and fatal crash this week is a genuine mystery to virtually everybody that is covering it online and in the news. Nobody can explain why it happened although everybody is reporting that the airport involved, Reagan International, is in congested airspace.
As near as anybody can tell, the airline pilots were doing their job. The military helicopter was flying outside of it's assigned airspace, too high and too wide, and nobody yet seems to have a clue why that was happening.
Yesterday I saw some new video that debunked any theories I might have had about the helicopter taking action to avoid the crash.
Here is a YouTube video made by an airline pilot who has not only flown this route but has trained other pilots on how it is done. It's a short video and in my opinion is worth watching. This is strictly from the perspective of the pilots and shows the approach from the cockpit during daytime identical to the nighttime approach of the doomed airliner - a bird's-eye view of the situation:
I just watched a short NTSB news conference that presented information from the control tower and the airliner but data from the Blackhawk helicopter was not yet available.
The airliner data showed the altitude of the airliner at the time of the accident was reading 325 feet plus or minus 25 feet - in other words it was in a range of from 300 to 350 feet.
However the control tower radar showed the altitude of the helicopter was 200 feet. that puts the Blackhawk within its acceptable altitude, not above it as so many have been claiming.
At this point it seems too early to determine why this difference exists.
Here is a video from a Blackhawk night flight training instructor. It shows data from online sources showing the Blackhawk at an altitude of 200 feet an instant before the collision.
This video does dispel many of the myths. But I am beginning to wonder if perhaps the airliner altitude instruments were in error. When the helicopter flight data recorder data becomes available there might be some more clarity. At this point it seems like which came first, the chicken or the egg. Which one was flying in the other guy's airspace? Was the airliner too low or was the helicopter too high as it has been rumored? Too early to tell. But my own opinion is going through a paradigm shift this evening. I suppose it all depends on a person's point of view. Airliner advocates blame the helicopter. Military helicopter advocates are beginning to wonder just how much claim the airliner had to the air it was flying in.
Could this have been avoided? Certainly.
Was it avoided? No.
Which pilot had the responsibility to avoid the other? Both! They don't pay for two pilots on airliners just to sit there and not look outside the airplane for danger. They are paid to look out and spot danger.
Of course then there's the complication that neither pilot could hear the other pilot's radio communications. That is confirmed by the NTSB. Both pilots could hear air traffic control and air traffic control could hear both pilots but neither pilot could hear the other pilot.
Should the helicopter have dropped to a lower altitude? Yes, for sure.
Could the airliner have tried to go above the helicopter? Preliminary data shows it may have attempted to do that but way too late in the game.
Was it suicide by Blackhawk? It sure was looking like it as of last night, but now? It's time for a paradigm shift.
This morning I have watched several more excellent videos analyzing this collision. This first one covers concerns about the altimeter setting on the Blackhawk. I believe he is suggesting that an incorrect altimeter setting could reflect in both the helicopter data and the control tower data.
This next video uses Microsoft Flight Simulator to fly both the route of the helicopter and the route of the airliner. He uses the airport's visual glide slope indicator to conclude that at the point of impact, the glide slope would have the airliner even below the 200 foot maximum "safe" altitude for the helicopter. The official altitude of the airliner taken from the airplane's flight data recorder at the time of impact or just prior was 325 feet plus or minus 25 feet. More data should help clarify this disparity, but everything seems to indicate that the helicopter was too close to the airport and flying within the glideslope of the runway - something that absolutely never should have happened.
But this next video puts the blame where it really belongs - Air Traffic Control at the airport, understaffed, overworked, and negligent because of that. There seems to be a lot of misinformation floating around about this but it appears to me that there were five people in the control room, only one controller working and four others no doubt distracting him although nobody has mentioned that obvious possibility.
It seems at this point that everybody involved could have prevented this collision, but nobody did. There was simply too much danger designed into the system. That's the rational conclusion. Too much was expected by the powers that be from everybody involved.
It is still unclear who was piloting the helicopter, but the only officer onboard was a pilot, the young woman in this video from the White House on January 4 of this year:
It does seem odd to me that before the military was willing to give out her name to the public her entire social media profile was scrubbed. Unfortunately, they didn't scrub this video. I would imagine she was crushed by Trump's victory but hey, that's just me.
This is what could happen if you leave YouTube on in and wake up in the middle of the night:
That one followed this:
Actually, I remember in my dreams hearing where this voice came from...
It seemed like some kind of a joke when Trump suggested that the US should buy Greenland, but it's no joke. Here's an intense 40 minute video that shows the many reasons why.
See if this doesn't capture your interest...