Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, February 27, 2023

Covid 19 - The Truth Trickles Out

This Tucker Carlson video might appear to be a huge revelation at first glance, but it is only a tiny trickle of truth about Covid-19 with respect to the big picture. When will Fox News report on the rest of this fake news conspiracy?

Tucker: This is an outrage


Chinese virologist tells Tucker COVID-19 ‘was not an accident’

This report bears a strange resemblance to the "truth" movement which tried to pin the tail on the Saudi Arabia donkey for 9/11 seeking a final monetary settlement from them, a movement which, by the way, truther Tulsi Gabbard, Tucker's close friend, associated herself with during the 2020 presidential campaign.

Don't get me wrong, I love truth and I love Tucker and I even love Tulsi but the real truth about Covid-19 lies layers and layers beyond and beneath this simplistic revelation. Don't be fooled by this.

Sunday, February 26, 2023

Ukraine - The War Started in 2014, not 2022

If that were not true, then why would the Secretary General of NATO say that it did at the six minute mark in this video?

NATO Secretary General - Doorstep statement at Defence Ministers Meeting, 14 FEB 2023

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Human Superiority

Here's a headline for you:

Particle accelerator creates substance that hasn’t existed for 13 billion years

Put another way, this headline highlights the idea that we earthly humans are the most advanced creatures in the entirety of the universe's existence.

In fact, we are so advanced that we can experiment with this kind of science without the slightest worry that something could go seriously wrong, such as triggering a reaction that would devour our entire planet.

Then again, maybe that would explain why no other creature in the universe has advanced beyond this point in their scientific exploration? Something to consider...

Friday, February 24, 2023

Democrats - Why We Were Wrong to Trust Them

When it comes to Democrats and the Russia war, here is what the truth looks like. Thank you Tucker for daring to speak the truth.

Tucker's warning if Ukraine war continues 

It was a bad mistake in 2020 to trust stupidity but stupidity won the election in the USA.

Covid - How Long Must We Wait?

Here's a tease for you. While most people fell head over heels in love with the whole Covid-19 fiasco seeing it as the perfect justification for their own hatred of all things Trump, some of us, not many but some, saw through the hype. We've been waiting for years for the rest of humanity to catch on to this truth but trumpophobia is the preferred medication even now and the deadly vaccines are still God for most of humanity.

I don't fall in the camp that suggests Covid-19 wasn't real. I prefer to believe something far more sinister about it than that. What I am thinking about here is the hype that went along with Covid, the politics and the lies and the manipulation and the holier-than-thou virtue signaling and the discrimination.

So for some of us, this tidbit of news is long overdue but welcome should it actually happen:

Elon Musk On When People Will Admit COVID Response Was A “Scam” – “It’s Coming”

Maybe the time to wake up is finally at hand, but for the rest of you...

For the rest of you...

Have a good rest of your life in the matrix. Best of health to you all in your blue-pilled slumber. Enjoy yourself - all things considered. Pray for God to forgive your blindness.

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Mainstream Media Reminder

As someone who turned his back on mainstream media decades ago (American and otherwise) it sometimes troubles me that I can't trust my memory when it comes to listing all the ways mainstream media has gotten it wrong, just in the past few years. Although this is far from an exhaustive list of examples - they do it constantly even now that they have been exposed as "fake news" - check out this list. Go to 3:30 and follow it to 4:05 and see if you remember any of these:

MSNBC PANICS As Tucker Carlson Set to Release J6 FOOTAGE!!!

Tree dozen shining examples of mainstream media fake news and political propaganda in just over 30 seconds! Take a peek, all you leftist doubters. There's a lot more where these came from.