Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Friday, October 31, 2008


This is just un-freakin-believable!
It would appear that the Goddess of Alaska is so into herself that she thinks they wrote the Constitution to protect HER from the media! The First Amendment protects not the press but the politician. And this is the ONE that Republicans want at the helm if McCain wins and kicks the bucket?
Exxon Valdez anyone?

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Palin Wardrobe

So some Republicans got all bent out of shape that Michelle Obama stayed at the Waldorf and feasted on lobster and caviar. Turns out that story was bogus. Last I heard, Maine lobstermen were getting $2.00 a pound for their catch. I would hope that whitey Republicans would allow Blacks to partake of a bargain like that, but hey, whatever...
Now it turns out that the Republicans have generously been buying clothes for McCain's intelligence-challenged trailer trash running mate to make her look just like a celebrity. Go figure, eh? I wonder if this story is false too?

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Cindy for Prez

Cindy who?
Oh, yeah, right, Mrs. McCain... Cindy McCain. Is she running for Prez too?
Well it would seem that she indeed is. This quote at Tennesseean.com caught my eye this morning:
“What I have found is that it’s necessary to make sure the American people understand what we have to say, what we stand for as a husband and wife, and what we will do for the American people if we’re lucky enough to be elected,” Cindy McCain said.
Cindy, using the Republican trick that I call reality inversion, is making the point in this article that Obama has "waged the dirtiest campaign in American history” against her and her husband. Oh? Is that so? So that explains why her own husband and his surrogates came out early and hard calling Obama everything from a Muslim terrorist to a pedophile? I guess so.
What this actually shows is that Cindy is looking at John as her man, bought and paid for. She sees John the same way any lobbyist with a big investment in a politician sees that politician. Her interests are represented by the man she has her money invested in, John McCain. She and John aren't simply a husband and wife team, they are lobbyist and bought politician. She has her own agenda and John is the politician she bought to serve her.
So, Cindy, did your man straighten it all out last night in the Nashville "town hall" debate?

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Palin Fatigue

Google it. I dare ya. I swear I'm not the only one afflicted by this.
Google "Palin Fatigue" and see what I'm talking about.
Juan Cole had this to say about Palin:
Palin has revealed her real self in the Gibson and Couric interviews, and clearly knows nothing and offers only rubbery expressions and glib repetition, for all the world like a rasping myna bird, of a stream of memorized slogans that sound as though they were disinterred from a time capsule originally buried in William F. Buckley Jr.'s back yard several decades ago.
I have wished a bird would fly away,And not sing by my house all day;Have clapped my hands at him from the doorWhen it seemed as if I could bear no more.The fault must partly have been in me.The bird was not to blame for his key.And of course there must be something wrongIn wanting to silence any song.
Robert Frost, A Minor Bird
As for me, I just wish she'd go back up to Alaska where she came from and let the people of Alaska deal with her nonsense. They had begun to do just that before McCain rode in on his big white horse and flooded the state with his lawyers to save this Alaska beauty queen runner-up from her fate.
I had a déjà vu the other night when I was watching the VP debate. Palin made some comment about supporting the troops and it dawned on me that this was Dick Cheney speaking through lipstick. Sarah Palin is the new Dick Cheney. Don't believe me? Show me one instance where Sarah Palin disagrees with Dick Cheney. Just one. Any one will do. Sarah says Dick's worst moment as VP was his embarrassing shoot first look later hunting incident.
Palin is one with conservative hate radio. So was Cheney. Palin gets her talking points from them. So did Cheney. Palin faults anyone opposed to the war as not supporting the troops. So did Cheney. Palin can't recognize that anything Cheney has done was bad. Neither can Cheney.
Should the American people decide that Palin should be the next vice president, the transition from Cheney to Palin should be seamless. 4 more years!

Friday, October 03, 2008

Jerusalem Embassy

In last night's VP debate, Sarah Palin seemingly out of nowhere brought up the idea that under McCain/Palin the United States would build our Israel embassy in Jerusalem. My surprise at this goes to show that I am completely uninformed. This morning I Googled and discovered this in Wikipedia.
The United States Jerusalem Embassy Act, passed by Congress on October 23, 1995 , states that "Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel; and the United States Embassy in Israel should be established in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999".
While this idea simply seems inflammatory to me, it has deep significance to both Jewish and Christian Zionists, thus Palin's little pitch last night in support of this Zionist idea.
What business is it of ours where Israel establishes its capital? If Israel passed legislation to make Manhattan the capital of the United States, do you suppose anyone would take notice? Do you suppose anyone would think that Israel had overstepped its bounds? If this doesn't show the power of Zionism over our federal government, nothing does.