Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Ashamed of Maine

 It's antics like this that make me ashamed to be a resident of a leftist-controlled state like Maine:

Maine Democrat Sara Gideon Killed Bills Outlawing Female Genital Mutilation

Maine used to be such a nice state but now it just feels like the Dems are destroying it.

Sunday, August 16, 2020

Dear Doctor Fauci

Prepare yourself for an infusion of Truth... 

A letter to Doctor Fauci about COVID-19 treatment written by doctors who strongly disagree with his position concerning the use of hydroxychloroquine with zinc and azithromycin (or doxycycline) dated August 12, 2020:

Published on ZeroHedge 8/15/2020

Saturday, August 15, 2020

In the Shadows

 What do you do when you wake up on a Saturday morning and turn on your computer and almost immediately find something that turns your whole world upside down? Do you take the blue pill and go back to bed in the hope that next time you wake up everything will be back to "normal" the way it should be or do you take the red pill and archive the link and hope that others are able to wake into this new reality?

You think I'm just kidding around?

Have a look into the shadow...

Thursday, August 13, 2020

Kamala Harris

The thing I don't get about Kamala Harris is why people think of her as "Black". Maybe I'm mistaken about that though. Maybe people don't think of her as "Black". Maybe they just think of her as a "person of color". But either way, she looks white to me. It is a mystery why the Dems want a law-an-order person in the age of Antifa and "Defund the Police". I suppose these mysteries will be cleared up eventually but doesn't it all seem hypocritical?
I just spent a couple of days around my mother-in-law. She couldn't get her TV to go to any channel other than CNN so I punched the right button on the remote and was scanning the channels. All the channels worked just fine until I got to the Fox News channel which was mute. Even the adds were mute with short periods of normal volume. But when Hannity came back on it went mute again. I mentioned that to my mother-in-law (who was a Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe Republican for as long as I've known her) and she exclaimed, "Oh I never watch Fox" but she seemed surprised and asked how that could happen. I said her cable company was messing with her and with their customers by censoring conservative voices and she said good, she's a believer in censorship. She adamantly hates President Trump.
I'm sure with her Trump Derangement Syndrome hate-blinded eyes she, along with many Dems, sees the "Black" in Kamala. I don't. But then again, when it comes to racism I'm color blind. Maybe that's the problem. I'm not racist enough to understand the hate-driven Democrats. I'm too simple-minded.