Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, June 29, 2024

Eating Words

I just read a headline saying that RFK Jr. is open to the idea of himself replacing Sleepy Joe on the Democrat ticket for this November's presidential election in response to Joe's pitiful performance at this week's debate. When I mentioned this to my wife she laughed and said imagine how many words the Democrats would have to eat if they had him do that.

My response:

They don't eat words.

Friday, June 28, 2024

Bye Bye Brandon

True confession: I did not watch last night's debate between Joe Biden and President Trump.
In hindsight it seems that I didn't need to. The general consensus seems to be that the Left finally had an opportunity to see what just last week they were claiming was all "cheap fakes".
Oh well... Told ya so!

Sunday, June 23, 2024

9/11 Again - Flogging a Dead Horse

The other day I watched an episode of Candace Owens's new talk show and was intrigued when she said she was going to look into 9/11 from a skeptic's perspective, if you will.

I was surprised that she covered the "dancing Israelis" story, but she left a lot out in my view. She essentially swept it under the rug by the time she was done with it.

Talking about 9/11 conspiracies is like flogging a dead horse. Nobody wants to believe any of them no matter what, so we are satisfied when somebody like Tulsi Gabbard or Candice Owens pretends to represent the concerns while openly ignoring all the groups attempting to expose the truth and go on to whitewash the true nature of the conspiracies.

The "dancing Israelis" has always been the most difficult evidence to hide, but Candice managed it with ease.

But she didn't cover these facts:

The Five Dancing Israelis Arrested On 9-11

Friday, June 21, 2024

Cheap Fakes Memo

Years ago, when I was in my reactive phase to the George W. Bush presidency, I discovered and started following a website called Talking Points Memo from Josh Marshall.

From time to time since that period it has come to the attention of many conservative commentators that the mainstream media suddenly all puppet the same talking point, various versions of it but certainly all sourced from the same talking point.

It never dawned on me to check and see if perhaps their talking point came from Talking Points Memo.

When this "cheap fakes" talking point suddenly flooded left-wing media it dawned on me that this particular talking point really makes me wonder if Josh Marshall and his Talking Points Memo website could be the source.

If this topic is new to you, here's a June 18 article refuting the new talking point:

Joe Biden’s frailty is no ‘cheap fake’: American voters WILL believe their eyes

Here is a podcast dated June 18 in which Josh Marshall outlines the new talking point without any reference to his theories reflecting either the White House or any other media source being the source of the theory. In other words, Marshall discusses the topic as though he is the source of the term "cheap fakes" leading me to think that yes, I very well might be right about this.

The pro-Biden folks were becoming desperate about all the video clips showing the decline of Biden's cognitive faculties and someone needed to come up with something to counter it. It appears to me that it was Marshall's job to be Biden's apologist.

The Talking Points memo YouTube release dated today, June 21:

Ep. 328: Cheap Fake Takes

The same talk dated June 18 on the Talking Points Memo website:

Ep. 328: Cheap Fake Takes

If you are on the ball, you might notice that the New York Post article time stamp is 12:46 PM Eastern Time while the Talking Points Memo article has a time stamp of 4:13 PM (time zone unknown). The associated podcast doesn't seem to have a date or timestamp. I base my commentary on the way Marshall makes no other reference to the term "cheap fakes" in his podcast. He speaks as if the ideas he is presenting are his own.

A June 14 New York Post article puts this subject in perspective:

Democrats’ denialism of Biden’s cognitive decline isn’t just unconvincing, it’s cruel

How it can possibly be thought of as wisdom for left-wing media to be unconcerned about Biden's obvious decline eludes me. Maybe you understand it. I don't.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Modern Elections - An Expert Speaks

Cyber Expert Harry Haury: Full Interview from the Documentary "Let My People Go" Part 1

"No One Is Following the Law!" Expert Harry Haury: Interview from "Let My People Go" Part 2

It would appear, by what these men say, that we have God to thank for these men sharing these truths.

Modern Elections - Who Is This Guy!

So, who is this wild-haired truth-speaking nonconformist?

God Uses the Weak to Shame the Wise: Investigated, Targeted, Terminated - Professor David Clements

Subscribe to his channel for more.

Modern Elections - Round 5

The "most secure in US history". They should know, eh? I mean, if they secured the results and got the victories they wanted, then indeed, that is a true statement!

Domination CEO John Faustos: "There Is No Wide Spread Election Fraud!"

Modern Elections - Round 4

My wife is watching these with me in a state of disgust. She just reminded me of when I was a kid and my mom would drive me an hour away for optometrist exams and along the way we would pass by a field that was a pig farm and the smell... Try it sometime...

The Election Machines Are Not Protected By the "Air Gap."

We all know they tried to bring this material up in court and no court in America would allow it to be heard. Imagine what that says about American "justice"!

Modern Elections - Round 3

What's this about it being evil?

H[e]in[ric]h Coomer: The Lying DWI Drunk Driver Has Devastated Our Election System!

Modern Elections - Round 2

If the previous video wasn't enough to get you scratching your head, then try this one. Might as well since my source sent me four of these this morning:

Algorithms Control Which Politicians Are Selected: Cast Vote Records and Election Night Reporting

Modern Election Secrets

Things you didn't know about modern elections that if you were to know, it might cross your mind that you've been deceived:

How The Rigged Election System Is Set Up to Cheat.

Monday, June 17, 2024

Two Psycho's in the White House

If you haven't heard about the dog problem in the Biden White House, maybe it's time for you to give it some thought. The Bidens seem to be determined to have dangerous dogs in the White House who endanger the very people whose job it is to protect the President, not to mention the rest of the White House staff.

Biden WATCHED His Dog Attack Secret Service!

If you think of Biden as the mental invalid that he is, it might be possible for you to understand his neglect in this matter. But I personally can't imagine the wife of such an invalid tolerating this kind of dangerous neglect around her home. But when you begin to see the way Jill Biden is personally responsible for the power-hungry abuse of the White House by Joe and by his son Hunter, not to mention the elder abuse so many people perceive, then yeah, it fits her character perfectly to let this kind of abusive neglect continue in her household. I agree with this video. Both Joe and Jill are psycho.

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Ukraine War According to Lindsey Graham

Warmonger Lindsey Graham Just Says the Quiet Part Out Loud on the True Motive Behind Ukraine Aid — And It is Not Ukrainian’s Freedom (VIDEO)

Friday, June 07, 2024

In the CIA, What Constitutes "Russian Disinformation"?

Yesterday in a YouTube discussion of the Hunter Biden laptop finally being introduced as evidence in a court of law - and I failed to save that video but anyway - an excerpt from a Bret Baier Fox News interview with a former CIA agent who signed the infamous 51 intelligence agents' letter prior to the 2020 election (that defeated Donald Trump's reelection attempt) suggesting that the story of the Hunter Biden laptop had earmarks of Russian disinformation, this former CIA agent went on to explain what that meant to him.

Fortunately, on the Fox News YouTube channel, this interview is preserved in a five-minute video:

Bret Baier grills ex-CIA officer on Hunter Biden letter

His comment about the earmarks starts at the 4:00 minute mark. He states that the laptop story "has all the classic earmarks of a Russian campaign in the way it was disseminated and propagated through media".

When I try to recall how the story was disseminated and propagated, I don't recall anything about Russian media. I do recall conservative media as well as right-wing alternative media (the infamous conspiracy theory people who keep being proven right despite mainstream media criticism) covering the story and I do recall the mainstream media siding with Joe Biden propaganda and campaign outlets denying the truth about the story and refusing to do their own investigation despite the public availability of the laptop's hard drive.

So basically, the way I understand this is that if a fact, any fact, contradicts or threatens Democrats and if in supporting the Democrats the media disclaims the fact, then by definition the fact is Russian disinformation.

Hell, how could anybody ever suspect that this abuse of power by America's intelligence officials could possibly be a corruption of America's claim to freedom of speech?

Monday, June 03, 2024

Was Russia "Unprovoked"?

As this video points out, it has been widely claimed by the Biden administration (and others) that Russia's invasion of the Ukraine in the late winter of 2022 was "unprovoked".

But was it?

We in the West have been virtually bombarded by false propaganda about that war ever since then so was the original claim truth or was that also propaganda?

Just over three minutes into this video the actual American strategy towards Russia, to surround them and cut them off from their Red Sea access to Mediterranean trade comes to light. Would you, if you were a leader in Russia, consider that a provocation? I certainly would if I were them. From that perspective I would call the American claim propaganda, not truth.

Anyway, check out this Tucker interview nearly two-and-a-half hours long about this topic:

Jeffrey Sachs: The Untold History of the Cold War, CIA Coups Around the World, and COVID's Origin

By the way, I have been saying this for months, ever since I traced the Russian trade route to the Mediterranean region. I challenge you to do the same, for your own enlightenment. Imagine how easy it would be for the West to cut Russia off from this major trade route if they controlled this region. For some crazy reason, nobody in the Western media has mentioned this to their audience since that war began. Wonder why!!!

An afterthought...

It's not as though talking about this would reveal strategic secrets to the enemy, to Russia and their allies. They (obviously!) already know all about it.

It's you who don't know about it.

You are the ones they are hiding these facts from.

It's YOU who are the enemy of the Deep State alliance.