Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Saturday, October 30, 2021

Question 1

 Voting day is coming right up next Tuesday. On the ballot in Maine is Question 1, a referendum designed to stop Maine's Central Maine Power Company from finishing a high-voltage direct current powerline running from Canada to Lewiston through western Maine, through "the Maine woods". This new power source would be converted to alternating current in Lewiston and plug into the existing grid.

Mainers opposed to the new corridor originally seemed to believe the power from this corridor would not be available for Maine electricity users. When the absurdity of that notion became obvious they then promoted the notion that the money derived from this new Canadian power source wouldn't go to Mainers but would go to Massachusetts instead - as if that matters but somehow it does to some people. Mixed in with that was the idea that the new power, probably because it's affordable, would compete against renewable energy development in Maine. Put simply it competes against wind farms and solar farms and hydro power here in Maine, all of which have negative environmental impact not to mention their limited and sporadic power production. Windmills don't turn when the wind isn't blowing. Solar panels don't work at night or when the sky is dark and it is claimed that disposal of expired solar panels creates hazardous waste. Hydro is steady but dams have their drawbacks. Maine has no nuclear plants so we rely on oil, gas, and coal for our electricity.

But as if those early arguments weren't bad enough now the well-funded ban-the-corridor campaign is flooding Mainers with images of the "clearcut" through Maine's pristine forest with ads intended to convince us that a high percentage of Maine's forests would be devastated just for this one power line. And that is the argument that is supposed to shock Mainers into waking up and voting "Yes" on Question 1 to defeat this effort to accept low-cost sustainable energy from Canada.

Question 1 - Yes: Yes stop the corridor. Yes refuse affordable electricity from Canada. Yes we are willing to face power shortages and increased electricity costs.

Question 1 - No: No, don't ban the corridor. No don't refuse Canadian power. No don't believe the wild and illogical claims you have been hearing about the dire effects of this new powerline.

Mainers in theory don't like clearcuts. Maybe that argument will seal our fate on this issue. But that corridor is a drop in the bucket when it comes to clearcutting Maine's forest lands. You look at all those pictures they show of the power line cutting through forest land. Do you see any mature trees? I don't. Maine's pristine forest doesn't even exist anymore. It's all been cut and it's all being clearcut again by corporate landowners who see Maine's forest as a resource for fiber products and wood heat. That is the reality of Maine's woods, not the imagined reality of this latest ad campaign favoring oil.

I'll grant one thing. I haven't seen proof that this Canadian power is sourced responsibly. I assume most of it is hydro from Canada's huge hydro projects which makes it competitively priced. But I haven't seen a single argument that it is irresponsibly sourced and shouldn't be used. But oh my god they are cutting down trees in Maine! God forbid! Save the forest! Burn wood pellets instead! Vote Yes to ban affordable electricity!

Friday, October 29, 2021

This New Biden Policy Even You Won't Believe

 Tucker: This is the most deranged story in history

In less than one year President Biden has brought this country to the brink of extinction.

Let's go Brandon!

Thursday, October 28, 2021

History Lesson for Today

 I just came across this video on YouTube

Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity:

Covid - The Baldwin Thing

Someone hands you a gun and tells you it's safe if you point it at somebody and pull the trigger. Do you? Not if you care about the safety of the person you are shooting at. Am I right? Not if gun safety is your thing.

Someone offers to stick a needle in your arm and inject you with a shot that's supposed to keep you safe from Covid telling you the vaccine is "safe and effective" but neglecting to tell you it has never been proven safe or effective in any long-term study and besides that, people are reporting adverse and even fatal effects of the shot. Do you let them stick you with it?

You're apparently in good company if you just go ahead and trust and don't believe warnings about the risk and just "do it" the way Baldwin apparently did it.

There's a word for people who don't check a gun to see if it's safe. The same word can be used for people who don't check to see if an injection is safe.


But a lot of people knew that already about Baldwin. They didn't need him to kill someone to prove it.

Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Covid - Why So Many Black Masks?

Why are so many of the Covid masks you see on Americans black? It's especially noticeable with any pictures or video of the Biden administration or any Democrats in government but you see it around town too if you look.

In other words what is the significance to Democrats of the color black and how on earth does that relate to the Covid pandemic?

Just asking, you know. I have my own opinions but that's all they are is opinions. The objective truth is that Democrats in the USA seem to prefer black masks for some unspecified reason that obviously has nothing to do with health. Antifa prefers black costumes. I'd rather wear a mask of any other color that had "Let's Go Brandon" written on it. That would be less insulting, even less threatening, unless you're a black mask person.

Maybe black symbolizes the complete lack of independent thought, black - the color of the void.

Black is also associated with death, "the black plague". Maybe black Covid masks symbolize wishful Socialist thinking - in a covert sort of way.

But I seriously doubt that black Covid masks have anything at all to do with "Black America" or black Africans. That would be akin to conservatives wearing American flags for clothing - in other words, disrespectful.

Saturday, October 23, 2021

Covid, Immunity, and Zinc

Years ago I discovered the claims that zinc supplements helped ward off catching a cold or the flu so I have faithfully supplemented with zinc even when I haven't used very many other supplements. Recently I learned that zinc doesn't easily penetrate in through cell walls but another supplement, quercetin, helps get that job done so I added quercetin to my daily zinc routine.

Although the demons of modern medicine generally won't mention zinc when discussing Covid and immunity, the angels do:

How zinc can boost your immune health

Monday, October 11, 2021

Covid - The Lie Is Back

 For months after American officials admitted that people who are fully vaccinated are getting Covid - the Delta variant - the original claim that the vaccines prevent people from getting the Covid disease had vanished completely. I've been keeping an eye out for it and it just vanished. Nobody was making that claim anymore because clearly, that claim was a lie. Many fully vaccinated people were getting Covid.

But low and behold there is a factcheck video on the website below showing Doctor Fauci specifically making that claim as he discusses the new pill that Merck has just come out with that is used to treat Covid. Fauci distinguishes between the pill and the vaccines by saying the pill treats Covid once a person has the disease but the vaccines prevent you from getting the disease. Knowing what is now medically well-known about the vaccines and breakout Covid infections Doctor Fauci is clearly lying in this video:

Factcheck: Dr. Fauci’s Claim that the “Highly Effective and Safe Vaccine” Prevents Individual from Getting Infected with COVID-19 is FALSE (VIDEO)

Sunday, October 10, 2021

Let's Go Brandon!

 It just got too big to ignore anymore. The chant "Let's go Brandon" was showing up everywhere but it made no sense to me until I Googled it this morning:

Let’s Go Brandon Meme Meaning: It Refers to Joe Biden NASCAR Chant

So now the question is who the heck is heavy dot com?

Thursday, October 07, 2021

The Left/Right Divide Illustrated

 Facebook and IG Went Down - What Really Happened!

Covid - Finally Some Truth from the Left!

 Study: Vaccines Being Administered Incorrectly

Saturday, October 02, 2021

Covid Vaccines - The Flip Side

When it comes to Covid, Big Tech demands that there is no flip side to the official story. But there is a flip side to the Covid vaccines.

This video is not for the weak-minded:

Unvaxed at Risk from Vaxed – Karen Kingston

Friday, October 01, 2021

Covid - 251 Times the Viral Load

 This study seems to confirm the obvious:

Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Delta Variant Among Vaccinated Healthcare Workers, Vietnam

This should help keep folks from visiting vaccinated healthcare workers.