Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Insight into Right Now

 I just came across this video that explains why I do what I do here:

Mass Psychosis and Totalitarianism

It comes from Academy of Ideas which also has a YouTube channel.

After you watch that video, test your memory with this one:

Rand Paul responds to Anthony Fauci's 'I represent science' declaration

Oh! There's more!

COVID Mass Psychosis: Causes and Solutions

Sunday, November 28, 2021

Indigo Traveler in Nigeria

 Indigo Traveler on YouTube seems to have moved to Nigeria and is having a blast!

Lagos, Nigeria is Crazy (Largest City in Africa - 25 Million People)

"Black" Friday

Am I the only one who thinks that the title "Black Friday" is inappropriate?

I mean, every time I hear that term my mind conjures up this scene of overweight black women outside the doors of Walmart at ten seconds past midnight caught in a stampede of Christmas shopping greed as the crowd pushes against the front entrance trampling these poor obese women to the ground just to get to the bargain deals on the hottest new products "while supplies last".

Wouldn't you think that concerned wordsmiths would demand an end to the use of the word "Black" to describe this dreadful scenario?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Covid Revealed

As of today this URL leads to an introduction of a new film about all things "Covid" coming November 30:

Premieres Tuesday November 30th

It's interesting to me that I have recently been pondering the meaning of the word "misinformation" that now seems to officially have an Orwellian definition and along comes a film like this.

Real People

So here's this YouTube channel with only three very short videos on it at the present time, and they are doozies in that they show the real side of things:

President Biden:

Biden has disturbing reaction after Don Lemon tells him he's vaccinated


AOC puts on mask for picture, removes it afterward, what a joke

House "Intelligence" Committee Chairman Adam Schiff:

Adam Schiff tries playing mental gymnastics but gets his mind, body and soul crushed live on TV.

Can anybody explain this?

Friday, November 26, 2021

Covid Vaccines - Shut Up!

 Here's why medical professionals need to shut up about the dangers that the vaccines pose:

Top reasons why healthcare professionals refuse to speak up about covid vaccine injury and death

An Example

Top ICU Doctor Suspended After Suing Hospital for Banning Life-Saving COVID Treatments

Wednesday, November 24, 2021


 I just read a headline saying basically that the unvaccinated are currently the most persecuted people on the planet.

When there is persecution, there are those who persecute and there are those who are the victims of persecution.

I have pretty much always understood that persecuting other people is a bad thing to do, that it is abusive, that the people who persecute other people are bad people.

But now, with the vaccine panic, people who are persecuted are the bad people. Good people persecute them because they are bad.

Get that? Good people persecute bad people in our new Orwellian world. And what do our media and our leaders have to say? They cheer the persecutors!

Welcome to Reality 2.0 where everything is upside down.

Tuesday, November 23, 2021


 I just read on Fox News that experts have decided that the word "looting" is racist and should not be used to refer to the looting that's going on around America in response to all things conservative. I'll bet that the so-called "experts" associating looting with Blacks aren't Republicans. Could be wrong about that of course but it's the Dems that are the ones doing all this race-baiting.

Monday, November 22, 2021


 Infowars gives context where mainstream media fails:

Suspect in SUV Attack Posted Violent Anti-White Threats, BLM Rhetoric

More from Paul Joseph Watson:

The Strange Incident in Waukesha

Or one could just let the man speak for himself:


Later Update

Waukesha massacre suspect threatened elderly whites, posted directions for mowing people down

It's just vile that the mainstream media is trying to cover up what this guy is all about. We're supposed to all pretend that only white people can be racist. Fake news at its most vile...

Speaking of fake news, I was wondering who it was that did this:

CNN’s up to its old tricks… lightens skin color of Waukesha BLM-supporting Christmas parade killer

Saturday, November 20, 2021

The Jury

The verdict came down yesterday in the Kenosha, Wisconsin trial of Kyle Rittenhouse who was accused of murder for shooting his AR-15 in self defense during violent rioting in Kenosha last year. The jury had the courage to do the right thing no matter what the reaction might be by that element of society that, by virtue of their hatred for all things Donald Trump, have no respect for the law or for individual rights but rather feel entitled to riot, loot, and burn America's cities.

Enough said?

If not, one of my worst recurring dreams from my childhood was that burglars were inside the house I grew up in and did I have the right to defend myself and my home with a gun. Rationally the answer was clear to me. Of course I had that right. Imagine my surprise when the country I grew up in evolved into the kind of place where it was generally viewed that I had no such right. The prosecutor involved in this case, the actual official government representative in the case, basically tried to make that case, that the defendant did not have the right to use a gun in self defense.

The jury's decision was the right decision.

Friday, November 19, 2021

Is the Big Bang Missing?

 For me it has been apparent for quite some time that scientists who have staked their entire careers and reputations on the certainty of the Big Bang theory have been doing a lot of fudging to protect themselves. I have written about it here in the Eden Hill Journal from a layman's perspective and I have discussed my thoughts with other intelligent earthly beings but my ponderings and those discussions simply go nowhere. It's like if Jesus tried discussing divine law with the Pharisees. Can you imagine how that would go?

What I have never come across until this morning - if my memory serves me correctly - is a good thorough rational discussion on the matter. So it is my honor to now share such a discussion with you, my audience:


Thursday, November 18, 2021

Kyle Rittenhouse - No Verdict Yet

I haven't been glued to the screen during the Kyle Rittenhouse trial the way so many Americans seem to have been but for the record, as of right now, the trial is over but the jury, after two days of deliberation, hasn't yet reached a verdict. Once they do, the entire Kyle Rittenhouse story will change, one way or the other. If he is not guilty, chances are cities all across America will burn courtesy of our Marx-loving left who may just go ahead and do it anyway just as they were doing when Kyle brought his AR-15 to the show.

But as of this moment, the Rittenhouse defenders are busy filling in the details not covered in the trial, hell, not allowed in the trial. Juries, after all, aren't entitled to the whole truth.

Now don't get me wrong here. The author of the article I am linking to doesn't rate all that high in my mind in terms of trustworthiness. She was a strong defender of George W. Bush and his wars back in the early 2000's as well as a strong critic of President Trump. She's not my kind of gal. But she does bring up some interesting points about the number one attack dog against Kyle in the trial and how he went about deceiving the jury.

Don't be misled by the title:

Ann Coulter: Get Rittenhouse!

Sunday, November 14, 2021

Covid - Two Worlds

 I came across a news article this morning that stands in such stark contrast to what I have read over the past few months that it needs to be archived here just in case I need to find it again:

Vaccine 5x more likely to protect against COVID-19 hospitalization than previous infection alone, CDC reports

This article claims that, compared to fully vaccinated people:

unvaccinated people are twenty times more likely to die from Covid-19 and thirteen times more likely to test positive and the risk of death is 48 times higher (that's not 48% it's 4,800% higher) for people in their thirties and 63 times higher (6,300%) for people in their 40's.

One can't help but wonder how these numbers will stand up to the test of time.


Later in the same day...

Well gee whiz, it hasn't even been ten hours and along comes this piece of news:

128 Research Studies Affirm Naturally Acquired Immunity to Covid-19: Documented, Linked, and Quoted

I would suggest that when it comes to anything Covid, two different worlds exist. It's reminiscent of some other current issues such as global warming, the Russia collusion story, God, all things January 6, even the 2020 election, the Biden/Harris win, U.S. Mexican border security and undocumented immigration, and on and on goes the list.

November 18, 2021

Now this:

Everyone missed this one... vaccinated people are up to 9X more likely to be hospitalized than unvaccinated people

Friday, November 12, 2021

Blind Faith (in Trump)

Normally one doesn't go about discussing the weaknesses of those he attempts to believe in. [I use "he" because in this case I am talking about myself who is a "he" and not because I am ant-female or anti any other gender, whatever that might be.]

I became a believer in the notion that Trump was on to something back in the summer of 2016. He was different from the rest. He spoke the language of the people, not the language of government, not the language of mainstream media propaganda. If you paid attention to him you could see that what he was saying made sense to common people like me who had come to realize that complacency wasn't a solution to anything. Trump was paying attention. The rest were trying to make sure you didn't discover the truth.

So I became a "Trumpster".

Through thick and thin, through media lies, through congressional abuse, through unpleasant family dinners, through the disdain aimed against all things "Trump" I still could believe in Trump's policies. I could see how he tried to live up to his word and how the media made sure their audience were never aware of what Trump actually was saying.

But one thing about Trump and the Trump presidency did concern me. One thing did cause me to question Trump's judgment. That one thing was Trump's loyalty to Israel. The greatest enemy the world faces should be Communism but as bad as Communism is (it will destroy us in the end if we don't shut it off) as bad as that is, the greatest enemy the world faces is the lies we live with to support Israel. Trump pandered to those lies.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying the way Arabs like to do things is better. I'm not defending Iran either. All I'm saying is the so-called "free world" is awash with lies aimed at giving the advantage to Israel and its Jewish and conservative Christian propaganda machine and Trump was in on it. Trump realized early on that you have to appease America's dominant Jewish establishment or they will destroy you.

I have to admit, though, that Trump walked the line when it came to Israel. He despised the impact that Israel's covert policies had caused, the impact they were still causing under his presidency. He secretly opposed the notion that the only way to secure Israel was to covertly undermine its enemies. Trump, I believe, understood the principle of "blowback" to covert war. But at the same time he knew that he would be destroyed as an influential leader if he exposed it, if he exposed the covert side of Israeli policy. I tend to think the best example of this dynamic was Trump's seesaw relationship with Senator Lindsey Graham, a staunch defender of Israeli covert and overt aggression. When Trump was pandering to Israel, Graham loved him, but Graham turned on Trump in a heartbeat every time Trump stood in Israel's way.

Does the Name Seth Rich Sound Familiar?

 If you still think there is an honest bone left in Washington DC you clearly haven't paid attention to the story of the coverup of the 2016 "cold case" murder of Seth Rich who, many believe, was the actual leaker of DNC emails to Wikileaks. This story just hints at how deep the rabbit hole goes. Imagine how extensive the corruption is if Russia collusion hoax perpetrator Adam Schiff knew the truth about Seth Rich! Imagine what it means when not a single mainstream media source was ever able to discover and report on this.

This article is brief but just imagine what it means if it is true. Also check out the comments section after the article:

ANOTHER LIE: After Insisting They Had No Information on Seth Rich for Years, FBI Admits Interviewing a Third Party in 2018 Related to Seth Rich Murder

Along these same lines, until YouTube bans this video, here's more about the mainstream media's role and the Adam Schiff disgrace:

The Media is STILL Knowingly Perpetrating the Russian Hoax Lies

Friday, November 05, 2021

Brandon - Free Press

 Let the Brandon series begin:

FBI and Southern District of New York Raid Project Veritas Journalists’ Homes

Covid - Origin Reviewed

Stop and think about this.

Here's a current article reviewing the likelihood that Covid-19 was created by humans in a viral research laboratory located at the infection's original source - Wuhan, China:

Letter confirms Wuhan lab’s COVID-19 leak was funded by US taxpayers