The ADL is the Anti-Defamation League, a watchdog organization scouring the globe to identify and eliminate words and ideas considered threatening to the Jewish identity. By changing the definition of the word "racism" they clearly identify all Jews as people of color, not whites.
Good luck with that...
The irony is that the word "racism" isn't big enough or broad enough to encompass skin-color-based bigotry in general. The word itself now is anti-white, anti-Caucasian, anti-European ancestry. In other words, the word "racist" is now racist by the standards of what "racism" used to mean. Does the name George Orwell ring a bell?
I generally don't take my inspiration from left-wing fanatics, but it seems that perhaps I have something in common with Whoopi Goldberg now. Using this new ADL definition of "racism", Jews can be victims of racism but never "racist" themselves. I would imagine that realists of any persuasion other than Jewish might see the hypocrisy in that view. Of course Jews can be racist! Jews have a long history of racism. Read up on the slave trade if you find that hard to believe.
Whoopi and I stand corrected. The Nazi's were about the superiority of the German people, racism by any definition. I suspect Whoopi might have been confused by the new definition of "racism" which insists that only white people can be called racist. She's smart enough to know that's not true but she's wealthy enough to need to go along with the mainstream when push comes to shove:
But suggesting that the only race that considers itself superior is White people... ? Social blindness like that is what got us into this mess in the first place. Any person of any skin color can believe that their race is superior and can act on that belief. That is what racism is made of. We lose everything if we blind ourselves to that. Orwellian claims to the contrary are nothing but pure Marxism.
But hey, if you insist on believing that the only kind of "supremacy" that matters is white supremacy, then have it your way. Be that kind of racist pig. See what the future holds for your adolescent views.
Update February 2
It's looking bad for Whoopi. Headlines now say she has been suspended for opening her big mouth and letting some actual truth slip out.
To me, this is starting to feel a little strange. At the core of this incident is the notion that the Jews are a racial minority. Yet a white person can convert to Judaism. Many Jews are white people. As far as I know white people can't convert and become black African, nor any other actual race, but they can become Jewish.
So what will come next? Will the Jewish "race" now be compelled to expel all whites from their ranks because tolerating whites in the race challenges the very notion of a Jewish "race"?
Whoopi was right about the Jews being "white" but the people she works for don't want that dirty little secret becoming mainstream so they have to can her, either make her silent or retrain her thinking to make it fit the narrative that Jews are a repressed racial minority, not the powerful religious minority that they actually are, not God's chosen people, above all other people on earth in God's eyes. From what I have seen so far, Whoopi has caved. Cognitive dissonance can be a real bitch at times. No doubt Whoopi Goldberg is discovering that fact just about now.
Update February 3
Another example of abuse of the word's definition by the ADL:
Update February 5
The Whoopi saga continues. Here's an article that attempts to assassinate Whoopi's character and in the process drags out all the old Jewish stereotypes while insisting, as political correctness requires, that none of them are true, not even the ones that are obvious:
I can't see how any of this can be good for the Jews of this world. Most Jews are common folks like the rest of us but there's an elite class of Jews messing everything up, creating a nasty reputation for Jews that victimizes all Jews in the process, a class of Jewish elites who use the Jewish people as human shields, as the hapless innocent victims when push comes to shove.
Are the Jewish people a race? No they are not. People of any race can convert to become Jewish.
Are the Jews a religion? If so, then how can there be atheistic Jews? There are atheist Jews.
Are the Jews "people of color"? No of course they aren't. Some are. Most are not.
So what are the Jews? Are they a tribe? That's a colloquial concept. It doesn't apply now if it ever did.
Is there a Jewish culture? If there is, then that is stereotyping them and generally stereotyping the Jews is anti-Semitic as this article clearly points out.
So what is it that characterizes Jews? What sets them apart from the rest of the world's people?
There are only two things that come to mind that aren't generally denied by the Jewish elite.
1. They are a small minority of the world's population and a victimized minority at that despite the wealth and influence of the elite.
2. They are God's chosen people, whatever that entails, meaning that in God's eyes they are a cut above all the rest of us. They are entitled by God.
As for me, I'm inclined to think that the Jewish people are human beings just like the rest of us and that all humans are created equal by God which means that the Jewish elites are scumbags for victimizing their own people and deceiving humanity to gain wealth and power. I could be wrong. Maybe there is something about being Jewish that sets a person apart from the rest of humanity, establishes them as superior. But I kind of doubt it. I think all attempts to set the Jews as superior do harm to everybody, especially to Jews.
One thing for sure and the Whoopi saga hammers this fact home: Jews are a people you can't speak the truth about. Any attempt triggers the anti-Semitism slur against you.
By the way, the so-called Aryan race that history uses to characterize Nazi racism is a false concept. There is no such race, never was, never will be. The concept exists now only to promote bigotry and hatred against white people of European descent.
Update February 17
Dated February 11:
I can't help but wonder if maybe the word "racism" in reality might actually not be the problem word, the one that needs a clearer definition. I'm beginning to wonder if maybe the problem word that needs a clearer definition is the word "defamation".
Defamation, then, in the ADL sense is anything that either challenges or openly asserts the notion that Jews are the masters of the human race, in other words, "God's chosen people" in disguise.
Chew on that one for awhile...