Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Died in Ukraine Prison for This Reporting

Recently, an Online celebrity reporting on the war in the Ukraine died in a Ukrainian prison despite efforts made by his supporters for his freedom.

Watching this video on his YouTube channel it's clear to me anyway why he suffered this end:

Gonzalo Lira - YouTube channel

Victoria Nuland - One year ago

It amazes me that this video or this channel even are still on YouTube. Take advantage of this peek into current history while it's still here for you.

Sunday, January 28, 2024

Timothy Leary's Dead - and Remembered

I certainly don't wish to be responsible for anybody's bad trip, but I have to admit, of all my life's memories it's the acid trips that seemed to have the greatest impact on my life. I can't imagine what my life would have been had I not experienced LSD in my early 20's. They started spiking it with something in the 70's and I never trusted it again - strychnine or something worrisome. It was about that time that I met the Lord in the religious sense and there hasn't been LSD in my life since. And I don't want to give the impression that I did acid a lot because I didn't. I just experienced it and it had a huge impact on me and on my life.

That said, I just spent about the past hour or so on my inversion table enjoying this seriously entertaining and informative documentary on the Timothy Leary LSD phenomenon. Not sure it would appeal to younger people or to people my age who were among the "straight" set, but it's a trip through nostalgia for folks like myself.

Timothy Leary's Last Trip

Imagine this, YouTube used its algorithms to bring this flic to my attention. I didn't even search for it.

A follow-up film:

Magic Trip

Racism - A New Twist

Well here's a twist, a new way of looking at the problem of racism. It would seem that if you have light skin color then it is important to be racist against those with darker skin color because if you don't make that distinction then you deprive darker skinned people of the experience of racism which, I guess, is crucial to their social development or something.

White boy, good luck trying not to be racist:

Mandatory DEI Seminar at U. Wisconsin Law School Teaches Students ‘There are no Exceptional White People’

I suppose in some way this makes sense. I mean, if you are "Black", how can you expect to experience the "Black" experience if the "Whites" around you don't appear to discriminate against you?

Saturday, January 27, 2024

Malpsychia, Modern Narcissism, and Timothy Leary

A new word in my vocabulary is "malpsychia" which, according to my spell checker, is not even a word. Googling the word leads me to the same conclusion even though the word is used in the title of a book that I found in a thrift store and am currently reading.

The book, written by Joyce Milton copywrite 2002 is titled The Road to Malpsychia: Humanistic Psychology and Our Discontents. It is listed on Amazon and the comments alone on Amazon seem to be worth reading.

My first impression is that the book wasn't well received by the infamous "them" who judge everything we encounter in life, but I am finding the book rather insightful. My impression is that the book focuses on the movement begun in the 1960's and embraced by the psychedelic movement, especially the LSD movement and the LSD guru Timothy Leary, a subject the author professes firsthand knowledge of.

Generally speaking, the book seems to focus on how these humanistic movements, despite their initial popularity and embrace by major educational circles, devolve into mayhem. What I find most fascinating, though, is that the book seems to study the very trend that I see happening in today's world, as if the craziness of today in things like critical race theory and transgenderism derive somehow from the LSD experience. They fit the category of the nonexistent word "malpsychia".

The book on Amazon:

The Road to Malpsychia: Humanistic Psychology and Our Discontents

Again, browse the comments.

A Timothy Leary speech spoken at UCLA in 1967, I believe only months after the Playboy Magazine article about him that I remember from my teenage years, might help remind you of who that guy was:

Timothy Leary speaking at UCLA 1/18/1967

Just before the three-minute mark, Leary appears to say he is about to drop acid. Whether or not that is true I leave to you, but if he in fact did, he should have reached peak during this speech. A typical acid trip lasts twelve hours.

Monday, January 22, 2024

Secret Tunnels Info Secret

Why is this no surprise? I seem to recall even predicting this:

A few weeks have passed since the Chabad tunnel scandal broke headlines, and all questions about it are being called “antisemitic”

Sunday, January 21, 2024

CO-2 From the Other Side

"CO2 , The Gas of Life"-Dr. William Happer

J. Alex Halderman

 J. Alex Halderman, a specialist in computer security and the security of voting machines, was recently in the news concerning something he did in a Georgia courtroom with a Dominion voting machine. I tried to verify that story in more mainline news outlets but didn't find anything. I Googled the name "Halderman" in Google News but nothing recent came up. For some strange reason a seemingly overabundance of obituaries showed up.

Here's a video that will help you understand who this man is:

Science in the Service of Democracy | J. Alex Halderman

The Gateway Pundit article dated today, January 24, 2024, claims a Georgia woman named Amber Connor witnessed the event and commented on it.

Anyway, I'll be keeping my eyes open for more on this but based on what this man said in the YouTube video linked above, I can believe what the Gateway Pundit is reporting.

Friday, January 19, 2024

The Problem with "Science"

Anybody who has been following my blog here has probably noticed that I have a longstanding problem with respecting "science".

As a child of the 60's in America the act of replacing the cultural norms of Christianity with the corrupting influence of modern liberal scientific theory dominated every aspect of society and with the advent of marijuana and psychedelics, that battle was won by the liberals. Christianity had to basically reboot itself after the 60's.

In time, all this cultural pressure has faded to the extent that I and many like myself wonder where all these questionable ideas about alternative cultural norms came from and in particular how narcissism became so unquestioningly and covertly central to American culture.

One of the sources was a book published in 1928 written by a young anthropologist named Margaret Mead.

Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive Youth for Western Civilisation

One of the book's reviewers - read the comments by those giving the book a rating of one - on Amazon had this to say about this book which has been highly praised and deeply respected by "science":

In the unpaginated `Preface [to the] 1973 Edition', Margaret Mead stresses that her description of Samoan moeurs should be read as applying to conditions at the time of her research. She finds it needful to `shout' that advice because during her 1971 brief visit to Samoa, `young critics even asked me when am I going to revise this book and look unbelieving and angry when I say that to revise it is impossible'.

This is a reference to an abrasive session with students who told her that her description of fa'aSamoa (Samoan custom) was false and insulting. They were miffed by her styling Samoans `primitives' and her pronouncement that since anthropologists enjoy an `immense superiority', they can `master the fundamental structure' [of primitive society] . . . `in a few months' (p. 8). In keeping with this arrogance, Samoans attending university were told by their instructors that their experience of fa'aSamoa was not valid evidence against Mead's scientific study. And, as we've just seen, Mead refused to revise her book even when she knew that it is mistaken in many particulars.

For Samoans this patronizing manner was the familiar voice of the papalagi (the colonial power). Mead's hosts on her field trip, aware that she enjoyed the protection of the Pacific Fleet admiral and Boss of American Samoa, went to great lengths to provide reliable information. When they learned of what they call her luma fai tele (`shameless defamaton'), they could not comprehend how she could have betrayed their hospitality. They were also aggrieved that she deceived them about her marital status. For she accepted the title taupou (ceremonial virgin) although as a married woman she was ineligible. Then she disgraced the title by carrying on with Aviata, a young man regarded as a rake.

While Samoans long knew the mendacity of this book, its correction in academic circles commenced only with the 1983 publication of Derek Freeman's Margaret Mead and Samoa: The Making and Unmaking of an Anthropological Myth (Harvard University Press). That event shook anthropology to its boots. Such was Mead's prestige that the popular mind identified her with anthropology. If her credibility was seriously questioned in respect to the most widely believed anthropological study ever published, the credibility of the profession was at risk. That is why Freeman was attacked with great ferocity, even by those who agreed with his critique.

Freeman's book initiated a reappraisal of Coming of Age in Samoa. Martin Orans and Freeman have recently published studies of her Samoa investigations based on her field notes. They confirm that Mead's account of Samoan sexual moeurs is a travesty. But they go beyond that. Mead recorded the accounts given by her informants, but by ignoring key facts, twisting others, and inventing still others, she contrived to represent Samoa as a free love duck pond. She also misrepresented the research she carried out. She was funded to conduct a study of adolescent girls; and she states that she spent `six months accumulating an intimate and detailed knowledge of all adolescent girls in the community'. Her field notes tell otherwise. She devoted her time to assembling ethnography; the funded study never got off the ground. She states that she conducted `all' her interviews with these girls in the Samoan language (`I spoke their language and ate their food'). Orans found however that her information on adolescent girls came from `English-speaking informants using English to communicate'. He notes that `no conversations in Samoan are recorded in any of the field materials'. This is consistent with Freeman's finding that the study of adolescent girls was not conducted at all.

Mead built her picture of free love by tossing off unsupported one-liners. The `inept lover is a laughing stock'. There are `no neurotic pictures, no frigidity' in Samoa. Masturbation `is a universal habit'. Homosexual activity is `very prevalent' and is regarded as `simply play'. `[Samoan] girls' minds were perplexed by no conflicts . . . [to have as] many lovers as possible and then to marry . . . these were uniform and satisfying ambitions'. The field materials do not show that Mead collected any evidence whatever about masturbation, homosexuality, or incidence of neuroticism and frigidity. She had but one informant about intimate sexual moeurs--an eighteen year old school teacher. In 1981 that person told Freeman that he had an affair with Margaret. Thus Samoa's alleged free love amounts to no more than a loose wife's gullibility to the pillow talk of her teenage lover. Such is the `science' that made this book famous.

Research on Mead's field notes clarifies a feature of this book that has puzzled many readers. It is the drastic and repeated inconsistency between Mead's descriptions of Samoan vigilance of virginity and punishments of straying girls, and the attribution of a casual attitude toward sexuality. What we now can see is that Mead patched her free love pillow talk into descriptions given to her by her adult informants.

How is that anthropologists for so long were taken in by a popular book? One part of the answer is that many weren't taken in. The controversy brought to light numerous statements to this effect. Thus Weston LaBarre wrote: "When I was a graduate student in anthropology at Yale in the late '30's, Mead's Sex and Temperament came out. Puzzled that even a big island like New Guinea should have had three tribes waiting to be discovered to prove her point about the non-biological nature of gender, I went to Edward Sapir with my puzzlement. He said laconically, `She's a pathological liar'. I was startled as much by what he said, as by the fact that an eminent anthropologist and chairman of a department should say this to a mere graduate student. But over the years, I have come to believe that this is literally the case." The next round in the evaluation of Mead's anthropology, we may hope, will collect and critically assess this largely unpublished expert opinion.

Hiram Caton

Editor, The Samoa Reader: Anthropologists Take Stock.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

75% Chance - Say What?

Jimmy Dore is making more and more sense these days, which is saying a lot for a liberal. Liberals tend to passionately defend the consensus. Not this guy!

Check out this video:

Obama - Al Gore -John Kerry Are COLOSSAL Climate Hypocrites! -Live From Two Roads Theater!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Finally My Race Question Is Answered!

For my entire adult life I have had to wonder whenever I write about Black people whether I should use a capital letter when I speak of the White (or white) race.

But now somebody has finally answered that question! If you are referring to race, you don't capitalize the "w" in White. No exceptions. But God forbid if you fail to capitalize the "B" in black or brown.

Racist Delta Airlines Sends Memo to Employees Asking Them to Capitalize “Black” & “Brown” but Write “White” in Lowercase – Format Follows Far-Left Associated Press Guidelines

Now I'm all confused. Do I or don't I? Am I or am I not racist? Why is equality forbidden by those who claim not to be racist?

Oh and by the way, what are "Brown" people? Do I just have a failing memory or did "Brown" people come into existence long after I was taught about the races? They taught me about red people and yellow people and white people and black. Now you never hear about red or yellow people but there's this mysterious catchall called "Brown" which may or may not include American Indians, real Indians, probably not Asians because apparently it's still OK for EVERYBODY to be racist against them, but "Brown" may or may not apply to Jews and Arabs and Spaniards and God knows who else? And it's White people who are the only racists?

Is it any wonder that authoritarian-imposed racial norms confuse me?

Friday, January 12, 2024

Palestine Existed - Don't Believe the Lies

I know the world has a love/hate relationship with Wikipedia, but sometimes it just seems to me that it makes sense to use it as a reference.

In recent years I have heard the claim that Palestine never existed. I even have a vague memory of Rush Limbaugh making that claim on his conservative radio talk show. I may even have more recently heard a similar claim from Fox News's Sean Hannity. Recently a Christian guest of ours made the same claim, that there never was such a place as Palestine and that the idea of Palestinians was (I hate to say this, but something akin to) a lie.

So it might surprise some people that the name Palestine actually does have a long history. It wasn't something - in a historical sense - just recently concocted by Zionists or by their opponents.

Check out this amazing reference in Wikipedia:

Timeline of the name Palestine

Freaked Out!

This just freaks me right out. Just have a look at the pictures in this article. The story itself makes absolutely zero sense to me, like it explains anything at all...

Extremist Jewish teens secretly ‘hired migrants’ to dig covert Brooklyn synagogue tunnel ‘Shawshank’-style

I have a tendency to imagine that this story will quickly just vanish from "news", sort of like the "dancing Israelis" story did.

Saturday, January 06, 2024

January 6 - The Real Threat

We've all heard the U.S. government and mainstream media propaganda about what happened in Washington D.C. on January 6, 2021, two weeks before Democrats took control of the White House.

Are you ready for the truth?

Here's What Really Happened on January 6th

So, if you watched that video and the question comes to mind about what it is that government finds so threatening about Donald Trump and other Libertarian-minded individuals, consider this:

Bret Weinstein Exposes the World Health Organization’s Dark Agenda

Bear in mind that the core issue is the commonly held concept that the world's population is unsustainable, threatening the future of the rich and powerful elite who intend to survive the government mandated solution, depopulation.

Thursday, January 04, 2024

A New Way of Looking at Nikki Haley

This just came out minutes ago.

Here's a new way of seeing Republican 2024 Presidential candidate Nikki Haley. Watch through the video for things about her that you probably have never noticed:

Nikki Haley JUST ENDED Her Career!!!