Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Monday, September 30, 2024

The Problem With Democracy Is...

Democracies are threatened by the freedom of speech, or so it seems to this ancient retarded Democrat:

"The 1st Amendment stands as a major roadblock for us right now"

This seems to be a recurring theme among Democrats now. I can see their point. How can a dictator expect to form consensus thinking when people are free to criticize, right?

Sunday, September 29, 2024

Magic Mushrooms

Unfortunately, nobody has yet discovered a magic mushroom that has the power to open the eyes of a Democrat.

Two Kinds of Democracy

I'm only eight minutes into this video but if you want to know what's really going on with the threats against Donald Trump, have a look at this three-and-a-half-hour video:

Eric Weinstein - Are We On The Brink Of A Revolution? (4K)

Hard to believe? How is this not a perfect example?

Infowars: John Kerry Wants You Silenced!

Watch this before Infowars gets shut down by "democracy Democrats".

In the words of Tulsi Gabbard, former Democrat contender for the presidency:

My Urgent Warning To All Americans

Friday, September 27, 2024

Tucker Live - He's At It AGAIN

Tucker Carlson's live shows are a revolution, like tent meetings on steroids, truth on parade.

This one is no exception. His lecture is top-of-the-line, the applause from the crowd is rock-star worth, and both of his guests are exceptional - first Jamed O'Keefe talking about his new movie about the immigration problem, then Roseanne Barr speaking the truth.

Roseanne Barr: Gender Ideology, Why She Terrifies Hollywood, and Her Friendship With Trump

It's not like Roseanne Barr holds her punches. She openly speaks her mind.

Elections - This Is So "Clean"!!!


Maine - Dreaming Big - Demitroula Kouzounas

Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to see my state's junior senator, independent Angus King, who firmly stood on the wrong side of virtually everything in Washington DC in recent years zealously parroting the government illusions, defeated in the poles this coming November by somebody who seems to tend to see things more like I do.

U.S. Senate candidate Kouzounas has record of spreading false information about COVID, elections

Thank you, Maine Morning Star, for the insight.

She even has the accent!

Demi for Maine: "This is our Fight"

Thursday, September 26, 2024

It Is Astounding How Much You Don't Know

Israel Did 9/11

I dare you to attempt to read this with an open mind.

Is it any wonder that citizens questioning the government and media story...


are referred to as the "9/11 truth movement"?

Tuesday, September 24, 2024


What's with this? Is SRV back from the dead?

YouTube Short

Is Israel Legit?

Here's an interesting tidbit from the website Natural News:

Israel’s entire occupation of Palestine since 1948 ruled illegal by the UN

There's this illusion that somehow the Zionist movement was able to secure the land that became Israel through means other than by actually fighting for it. Throughout history and especially in the 1940's (resulting from World War II) wars shifted national borders and it doesn't take much research to learn that the Zionist Jews actually fought the existing population and even the British to acquire dominance over Israel and have used violent means ever since to expand their territory. I realize if anyone makes this claim they open themselves up to accusations of antisemitism but that doesn't change reality.

So the question is, was it and is it still legitimate for the Zionist Jews and the nation of Israel to use deadly force to acquire land?

Obviously Zionists think it is. 

So what's up with this UN thing? Why this blowback?

I'm inclined to think this has something to do with double standards. For instance, if Russia takes land that was weaseled from their control by the CIA (which in my mind always means Mossad, one-and-the-same thing) in 2014, land which is crucial to Russia's economic existence in the world, that is bad. That is a no-no bigtime, a violation of all rules governing national sovereignty. But with Israel, what is called "Palestine" was not a part of any nation, it was land up for grabs, so it was legit for Israel to fight and kill for it. It was like America or the colonial powers fighting to take over land occupied by Native Americans. It wasn't a nation, then the fight for territory, then it was a nation or it was a colony of a nation.

So, one set of rules for Israel and America, another set for Russia.

Makes total sense to me, right? America and Israel are just so incredibly God endowed, how could it be otherwise, right? If you are already perfect then anything you do is legit. Otherwise, you are among the condemned.

So how does the UN have the gall to accuse Israel of anything!

Monday, September 23, 2024

Cooking Oil

I cook... sometimes... and I fry stuff - me bad, right? But there's been this thing about cooking oils being unhealthy. I remember one time I had a bag of corn chips that had gone stale, so I had this brilliant idea to recover the calories by putting the whole bag in the woodstove. Just one bag... I nearly burned down the house! The inferno was unreal and out of control - inside an airtight woodstove no less. It wasn't the corn that caused the inferno. It was the oil in the corn chips, the fat, the enormous amount of fat in just one bag of corn chips.

I do have a problem with my weight, a lifelong battle with it. I've never been able to embrace being fat as an entitlement the way so many Americans now do, a human right basically. Obesity isn't a human right. It's an aberration.

I long ago ruled out Crisco and margarine - hydrogenated oils - as a cooking oil. If I go to a bakery and buy a doughnut cooked in hydrogenated oil (as most seem to be) I am sickened by the sensation of a thick greasy slime in my mouth. I hate it!

Eventually I settled on using a high-heat olive oil for frying. It's not cheap to buy but in the past couple of years the price of olive oil has gone through the roof. My favorite brand for frying went from occasionally being under $10.00 a jug (a quart or so) to now being well over $20.00 a jug and the size of the jug is considerably smaller (Bidenomics at work).

So I've been looking for an alternative. Soybean oil is out - the "soy boy" concern. But these days almost all cooking oil seems to be canola oil and despite my wife's warnings I have some on hand. Organic canola oil is expensive, but regular non-organic canola oil is cheap to buy. And it works.

But check out this gabby discussion:

The Truth About Seed Oils and the Disgusting Way Canola Oil is Made, with Dr. Casey Means

What to do!?

Sunday, September 22, 2024

Tucker - A Huge Truth Bomb!

I am beginning to realize that every day that goes by now manifests in a whole new genre of truth.

Unless you associate your thinking with the Democrats who manifest only in consensus thinking and talking points. There's no such thing in the Democrat Party as independent thought or speaking from the heart.

But that is what is manifesting itself in the MAGA movement.

I can't begin to imagine a conversation like this involving anybody in the mainstream media or in the Democratic Party. It just doesn't happen. Mainstream media and prominent Democrats program the minds of their audience to fear this kind of free speech:

JD Vance: The New Opposition Party, Saving Rural America, & Why Trump Seeks Advice From His Gardener

If nothing said here resonates with you, search your heart to figure out why.

Covid - Surprise Surprise

This apparently from the UK:

NHS Whistleblower: ‘We Were Instructed to Euthanize Patients to Inflate COVID Death Toll While Hospitals Sat Empty!’

Although nobody wanted to hear it, it seemed apparent to me that this sort of thing was going on in the USA as well.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

Just Curious, But...

Has anybody heard Kamala Harris say anything intelligent yet. The best I can say for her is that although she frequently seems drunk, she doesn't always appear that way. Sometimes she might be sober.

I know if you hate Trump enough then you refuse to hear what he has to say, but he says things. He's not all word salad. Set aside your hate and you can actually make out what he's saying.

Not so with Kamala. Plus, there's all those nasty lies she keeps repeating even after they are proven false. At least she's smart enough to lie? She's a woman and that's all that matters?

She conforms. That's why the establishment put her there. You sure didn't choose her.

Friday, September 20, 2024

Why Kennedy Matters - JP

America is divided, bipolar. It's the people who no longer trust or believe the media propaganda against those who still do.

For a sample taste of truth:

New Bombshell - This is Why They Try to Silence RFK Jr

Thursday, September 19, 2024

Parody Threatens Democrats the Most

There's a lot of good information in this entertaining YouTube video, stuff I hadn't heard about. Thank you Sky News Australia and Thank God for parody.

Hysterical Kamala Harris parody ad goes viral after being banned by Gavin Newsom

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

YouTube Video of the Day

Watch this video if you can imagine your mind as being independent. Are you an individual who relies on being informed before making decisions? Let your mind go and imagine that there is nothing false about this speech.

My father (who would have turned 136 this year if he were still living) always told me you need to know your enemy. Take his advice.

WATCH: J.D. Vance holds Q&A during rally in Wisconsin | LiveNOW from FOX

This is a clear and honest presentation summarizing how MAGA conservatives - conservative libertarians - feel about the way this country is being governed.

Major White House BS

Anybody paying any real attention to American politics must know by now that there have been two serious attempts to assassinate Donald Trump, Republican candidate for President, this summer. Correct me if I am wrong.

Anybody paying just slightly more attention to American politics must have noticed that Democrats - including President Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris - who is now running against Donald Trump in the presidential election - have repeatedly referred to Trump as an "existential threat to democracy" and cannot deny that this claim is driving the would-be assassins. Again, correct me if I am wrong about this.

Some people are beginning to speak out, to point out this obvious political sabotage, this real threat to Trump's life.

Not the White House, though. According to this, from the horse's mouth herself, just the suggestion of this truth is a danger to those in power:

Peter Doocy torches Karine Jean-Pierre after she labels Donald Trump a ‘threat’

Peter Doocy torches Karine Jean-Pierre after she labels Donald Trump a ‘threat’

Double standard anybody? Paranoia for me but not for thee???

Is this Orwellian doublespeak what Americans want from the White House, from Congress? If yes, vote Democrat in November.

But if not, if Americans have had enough of this bullshit, vote for it to stop - vote Republican. And don't sabotage the effort by voting for Democrats for Congress or for state Governors and legislators. Make this Democrat nightmare come to an end. Vote Republican. Vote MAGA Republican.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Trump Golf Course Shooting Surprises

Tucker Carlson's reactions when he heard how Mainstream Media - including Fox News speaking to Tucker's former audience - are priceless. Watch his introduction at least of this video where he draws rock star excitement from the crowd. Something good is happening on Tucker's live tour, this one in Milwaukee Wisconsin.

Tucker Carlson, RFK Jr, and Larry Elder React to Second Trump Shooting

Like Tucker says, the real surprise is how this story is being reported in Mainstream Media.

The Assassination Conspiracy

If it hasn't yet it should become abundantly clear that the political Left in America has formed a conspiracy to encourage those of their followers with twisted minds to take it upon themselves to kill Donald Trump, the individual who poses the greatest political threat to their Socialist/Marxist/Fascist movement. Once upon a time in America people weren't allowed to speak threateningly about the country's leaders but the Biden/Harris Justice Department has become weaponized to the point where such rhetoric has become commonplace, not just in public but in government and in the media. All of these people and many more will have blood on their hands if their conspiracy is successful.

THERE ARE RECEIPTS: Team Trump Drops List of EVERY Democrat and Enabler Who Used Violent Language Against Trump Which Led to 2nd Assassination Attempt

I'm certainly not alone in my concerns about the future of America:

Sharika Soal: The People Who Hate Trump Have Lost All Sense Of Right And Wrong

It is my opinion that the very worst of the Republican Bush/Cheney presidency has been preserved in the Democrat Party. Trump IS the revolution against the "establishment" that freedom-loving Americans have imagined for decades that they believed in. The Democrats now ARE the establishment.

Which are you?

Monday, September 16, 2024

Tulsi - The Choice We Will Make in November

JUST IN: Tulsi Gabbard Issues Warning At Trump Rally: 'The Choice Is Between Freedom Vs. Tyranny'

Take the time to hear the truth.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

JP Reviews the ABC Debate

Moderating a VERY Fair Presidential Debate

Friday, September 13, 2024

Closer to Thee, O Armageddon

It is possible that some people might be quite worked up about this tidbit of news:

Israelis practise red heifer ritual in front of Al-Aqsa Mosque

I can't imagine why, though. I mean, tearing down one of the two main icons of the world's most populous religion in order to fulfill this Jewish fantasy? Why would that matter to anybody, right?

Well yes, I suppose some Muslims might get worked up about it. That makes sense. But Jews don't seem to care.

I was thinking the other day that the Jews, in retaliation for about a thousand of them losing their lives last October 7, have currently killed around 40,000 Palestinians, mostly civilian, and that for the Muslims to retaliate using the same math (40:1 ratio) it would cost the lives of 1,600,000 Jews to even the score.

It's a wicked good thing the Muslims don't use Jewish math, don't you think?

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Dirty Rotten Lawyers

It dawned on me in the night what happened at last night's debate and it's something that under normal circumstances people would recognize and relate to. In the days leading up to the debate it was said that Kamala Harris would rely on her strong side, her prosecutor mode, something she was familiar with and good at before she entered federal politics.

She did that. In my mind at least, there's no doubt that she did that. She played the role of a lawyer in a courtroom.

Most people despise lawyers because of what they do in courtrooms.

In a courtroom all the testimony is given under oath. The witnesses are sworn to tell the truth under threat of punishment if they lie. But lawyers aren't under oath and frequently lie. That's their job, to lie as much as they are allowed to in order to let people who commit crimes to go free, or if you are the prosecutor to convict people even if they are innocent in order to win their case.

People realize that and they hate lawyers because of it but that's Kamala's specialty. She's a lawyer. Just like all dirty lawyers she's a trained and gifted liar.

It's the job of the judge to keep lawyers from lying but everybody knows they still get away with it. Dirty judges even encourage it. If there is a jury, then it's the job of jurors to sort the lies from the truth.

But witnesses are required to speak the truth and lawyers are expected to lie and we all know that and we hate lawyers because of it.

It was the job of the moderators in last night's debate to stop the lies. They failed miserably. They even introduced many of the lies themselves.

It's lawyers and judges like that that Trump has been forced by the Biden administration to face for the past four years.

It's lawyers like that in Congress that Trump had to face in his four years as President in the two sham impeachments in the House under Nancy Pelosi.

It's no wonder Trump was pissed last night in the debate but in my mind it's a rotten shame that he let it get to him, that he came across as an angry victim of injustice. But hopefully the American public saw through Harris's lies and the lies thrust into the debate by the moderators themselves. Unfortunately, because of Trump's attitude, I suspect Kamala will get away with her dirty lawyer tricks. It's now the job of voters to sort it all out.

I have to thank Kamala herself for finally exposing her true self.

Think about it.

I'll add one more thing. In my mind one of the most telling things that took place in that debate was when one of the moderators during the discussion of the Ukraine war and taking into account Harris's role in that war asked Harris point blank if she had ever met with Russia's President Putin. She didn't answer the question. She dodged it completely, and the moderator didn't follow up on his question. She proved how weak she would be as a leader. She went on to severely criticize Trump for meeting with the enemy when he negotiated the end of the war in Afghanistan.

Again, think about that. Imagine how difficult it would be for her with that attitude to negotiate a peace in Europe.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

The Bloodbath Debate

I am ashamed to admit that I am watching the Trump/Harris debate in full tonight.

I have to admit, it was a bloodbath.

Trump was at his absolute worst. He was angry about everything and missed opportunity after opportunity to point out Harris's lies with evidence.

Harris was an absolute slimeball but with the backing of the mainstream media she will be the winner.

What more can I say...


Tuesday, September 03, 2024

Politics in Arlington?

The rest of the story:

Megyn Kelly on Kamala's Attack on Trump's Arlington Visit Getting Slammed by Gold Star Families

A real American veteran speaks the truth about Kamala and Democrats in America:

Kamala Harris Cannot Remain in Power

Sunday, September 01, 2024

DEI for President

After Joe Biden's presidency began in 2021 with a sharp increase in gasoline prices and especially in diesel fuel doubling from around $3.00 a gallon to over $6.00 and food prices, especially meat prices went through the ceiling followed by Biden throwing the southern border wide open complete with an invitation for people to illegally immigrate into North America and everything else that happened under Biden's watch began it seemed to me like liberals had become a scarcity. They were nowhere to be found in polite company.

That all changed this year with the 2024 presidential race. Suddenly they were back, and they were everywhere. Joe Biden fanatics were everywhere calling for Donald Trump's death (the "existential threat to Democracy" thing).

But immediately after the Trump assassination attempt when Biden's true mental disability became undeniable, everything changed again. The liberals were still out there but they had to come up with a new reason for voting Democrat.

They soon found it.

I'm sure you've heard it, but I have heard it first-hand. It's likely you have too.

The reason for voting Democrat in November is because, "She is a woman."



She is a woman. That's all she needs.

She doesn't need to inform anybody about what policies she intends to implement.

She can lie all she wants. Nobody cares.

She can be drunk when she speaks to the public, nobody cares, nobody even notices.

She can flipflop on policies she represented as Vice President - Nobody cares, nobody even notices.

All that matters to these voters, mostly women by the way, is that she is a woman. She would be the first woman President of the United States.

The whole process of searching for the most qualified person for the job is thrown out the window, gone.

All that matters this November is that there is a woman on the ballot.

A DEI hire.