Eden Hill Journal

Ramblings and memories of an amateur wordsmith and philosopher

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Location: Maine, United States

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Trump Shooting - Time for the Story to Change Again

New video, this time from one of the injured Trump supporters, surfaced today and by the looks of it, the official story will be needing some rewrites. Considering that the shooter was wearing light colored clothing, who is the guy in black running along the roof towards the shooter's position before the shooter presents himself?

The official story doesn't include anybody running on that roof, let alone the dark clothing, yet:

New footage from Trump assassination attempt shows figure moving on roof before gunfire

A Blast from the Past:

From July 17, ABC News - includes a timeline that has been completely muddied by expert testimony to Congress, yet seems to support this new video which, news sources are saying, was from 3 to 4 minutes before shooting began.

Secret Service spotted Trump rally shooter on roof 20 minutes before gunfire erupted

An interesting note is that in this ABC story from four days after the shooting (now ancient history) the report was that the policeman who was turned back by the shooter had made it onto the roof.

The black figure seen in this new footage running across the roof towards the shooter's position...

That sure does seem to be somebody else besides the shooter, maybe the police officer that climbed onto the roof and was rebuffed by the shooter? That would explain how he hurt himself jumping off that roof, wouldn't it?

The more the feds testify the muddier the waters seem to become.

But who am I to say, eh? I just think it's amazing how many times the story has changed already.

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Senate Hearings Today Covering Trump Rally Shooting

I happened upon a hearing going on currently in which senators are questioning top-level officials, one from the FBI and one from Secret Service concerning the July 13 attempt on Donald Trump's life at a rally in western Pennsylvania.

It is beyond incredible how difficult it is for senators and representatives in the U.S. Congress to get meaningful information from top level bureaucrats in the Biden government, but it floors me how incredibly impertinent most of the questions are and how seemingly critical questions never get asked.

When did Secret Service snipers seen on video behind the stage decide to aim their rifles and begin monitoring the roof on which the shooter was eventually shot? Testimony given consistently states that the snipers shot as soon as they were alerted, and they did not know the shooter was on the roof until he began shooting. This is clearly bullshit considering that video shows that the snipers were focused on that building for some time before the shooting began. So... when did the Secret Service snipers first become aware of the need to aim their guns in the direction of the shooter?

Did any law enforcement have any means of getting onto the roof the shooter was on should the need to get on that roof present itself? Were there any ladders available for police or snipers to get onto that roof?

Where did the second ladder that was present just after the shooting come from? How long had it been in place? Was that ladder available to the police before the shots were fired? That ladder was a 10-foot stepladder, not the telescoping ladder seen being used after the shooting.

Why has no official yet asked the local SWAT team snipers why they were not at their assigned post in the second-story windows overlooking the roof the shooter was on? Or, if the snipers have been interviewed, why is their behavior too secret to share with Congress?


This guy does a good job in summarizing the problem I had watching this hearing today:

In a fit of rage Secret Service throws all local law enforcement under the bus

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Trump Surprise

This story came as a surprise this morning:

Trump Announces He Will Hold a Second Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania

This should stoke the flames of the Trump-hating leftwing wildfires.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Third Boxcar Midnight Train

For some reason this news triggered a memory for me of a song:

California Governor Gavin Newsom Orders Mass Removal of Homeless Camps

"Third boxcar midnight train, destination Banger Maine"

I wonder why...

Maybe because the news leaves a person wondering where all the homeless will go if they get chased out of California. Maine perhaps?

9/11 - New Video

I haven't watched this yet but this looks intriguing:

NEW: Nearly 1 Hour of Never-Before-Seen 9/11 World Trade Center Collapse Footage Surfaces After 23 Years — Uploader Says He Found His Tapes While Cleaning Closet

Truth Is the Only Hold You Have on Time

Go ahead. Quote me.

Or how about this:

"Time is recorded in truth"


Living in the now erases truth

That's kinda like what Kamala Harris keeps saying, isn't it?

Thursday, July 25, 2024

The Illusive Ladder(s) Part 2

On July 18 I poster The Illusive Ladder(s)

This is part 2.

FBI director Wray testified to Congress that the shooter didn't use a ladder to get on the roof from which he shot at Trump on the 13th.

He also mentioned that the ladder that the shooter bought at Home Depot that morning was in their custody. He also said the shooter did not use a ladder to get on the roof.

Here is a Fox video showing bodycam police video just after the shooting.

NEW DETAILS: Trump rally shooter got onto roof without ladder, FBI says | LiveNOW from FOX

Stop that video at the 5:29 mark.

Notice the caption: "There's a ladder right here."

In that frame the police officer is pointing to the very location where a long ladder, a 10-foot stepladder, can be clearly seen in other footage just after the shooting.

I mentioned that ladder in my July 18 post.

Back to the Fox video.

Back up to the 5:23 mark. Notice two dark lines that appear to slant up towards the roof from the top of something just beyond the overhanging roof. Study it because it's not a clear picture but the two dark slanting lines are there.

Oddly enough that is the exact spot where two similar lines are visible in the Sky News helicopter footage taken just after the shooting. If you look at this loading dock in any other pictures or from the "street view" on Google Earth that clearly shows this loading dock, there's no sign of anything on top of that plastic locker.

I don't know... must be my imagination because Fox says there wasn't a ladder. Crooks didn't need a ladder.

Then again, the FBI are in custody of the 5-foot ladder that Crooks bought that morning.


Problem Solved!

Well, this solves that problem, sort of. Here's another take of the Grassley police bodycam video that includes another scene:

New video of Trump assassination attempt

Stop the video at the 43 second mark (0:43).

There it is. The officer is climbing on a ladder that is at the very spot where that roof overhang meets the main roof. So that explains that ladder being where it is.

So when police first started going onto the roof after the shooting, they had a long 10-foot stepladder and... AND... this short black plastic ladder.

I mean, this explains everything... unless, of course, Home Depot sells this kind of ladder...



A little searching and another look at the black ladder in the video and it appears to me that this black ladder is what is called a telescoping ladder.


Here is a much more comprehensive 28 plus minute video from the same bodycam. The swat team is seen climbing the ladder starting with their approach from 3:34 to 4:02. This clearly shows that this is a telescoping ladder and I estimate it to be 12 to 13 feet fully extended. 2 or 3 sections at the top are not extended out. It is beside the plastic storage shed, not on top.

Bodycam Footage from Moments After Trump Assassination Attempt

The video begins as the team approaches and walks past the walkway that lead to the stage Trump was on when he was shot. They move behind the stands that were behind Trump as he spoke and then jog to the perimeter fence between the stage area and the shooter's location.

The team approaches the main entrance of the building at the 3:00 mark, enters the building briefly with discussion of ladders for their access to the roof - "The ladders are in route" and something about minor stitching. They then move back outside and pass by the area where the 10-foot stepladder is, not seeing it - it's behind the trees - although the policeman in black points to it. They then see and move on to the telescoping ladder on the loading dock and climb that ladder to the roof.

Just now I located the Sky News helicopter footage I had seen perhaps a week ago where it appeared that there was a ladder on top of the storage shed. This video is in higher resolution and does show that the second ladder (not the stepladder) was beside and not on top of the plastic storage shed.

Both ladders are visible about 15 seconds into this video on Sky News posted the day after the shooting. Notice that the doors of the storage shed are open although they were closed in the video when the SWAT team climbed onto the roof, that the door the team first enters is open although it was locked when the SWAT team first arrived, and that there are no police or SWAT team members or anybody else on or around the building while the helicopter flew overhead. Two white police vehicles and a motorcycle appear in both videos but a black SUV in the Sky News video is missing when the SWAT team arrived.

Gunman identified as video shows body and rifle on roof after Trump shooting

On YouTube here:

Footage appears to show rifle and body on roof after Trump shot

Update July 27

This YouTube video shows the moment the telescoping ladder enters the scene, Police are running towards the building where the shooter lay dead on the roof and a policeman throws the telescoping ladder over a fence. It lands on the ground. Start at the 2:00 mark. The ladder appears at 2:16.

Trump Shooting Analysis: Shell Casings, Ladders, Drones, Bodycams,

Trump Shooting Shrapnel Conspiracy Theory

Yesterday, FBI director Christopher Wray, with no evidence to back it up, released a conspiracy theory that is all over the mainstream media today.

FBI Director says the bureau is unsure if Trump's ear was hit by bullet or shrapnel

The only thing between Trump and the shooter would have been a teleprompter.

Dated July 18:

Fact-checking the shattering teleprompter conspiracy theory at Trump rally shooting

Wray basically proved yesterday that the FBI was in on it and is covering up evidence but you judge for yourself. Don't take my word for it. Use your head.


I have started suspecting that whenever a left-wing conspiracy theory comes out, it is fair to suspect that Josh Marshall of Talking Points Memo is behind it. In his own words:

Finally Word from the FBI -About the Trump Story The Press Has Refused to Question

And by the way, left-wing conspiracy theories are not aimed at spreading truth. Their aim is to spread confusion and disinformation. Director Wray had no intent to dispel false conspiracy theories. Spy agencies far prefer to muddy the waters with false theories. Watch for them. Generally speaking, common sense tells you they are false. Director Wray spreading this left-wing conspiracy theory with absolutely no evidence to back it up is precisely what I am referring to.

Update July 27:

After Floating Shrapnel Conspiracy Theory, FBI Now Says a Bullet Struck President Trump’s Ear – Trump Responds

I realize this new truth paradigm is fresh off the press, but I would think Talking Points Memo would owe it to their subscribers to issue a retraction. No sign of one yet, though, just more hatred of conservatives.

One thing to note, the shooter had a clear shot. There's zero reason to suspect that the bullet broke up mid-air without striking something first. That just doesn't happen, and the FBI knows that.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Trump Rally Shooting - FBI Director Wray Testimony

FBI director Wray is appearing today before the House Judiciary Committee (chairman Jim Jordan).

I've scanned through a lot of it, stopped to listen to pertinent questions and answers. After several hours of testimony here's what I've found:

  • The Democrat representatives are asking almost nothing pertaining to the shooting investigation.
  • Law enforcement (maybe FBI?) are in possession of the five-foot ladder that the shooter bought that morning. Wray did not (apparently avoided saying) where the ladder was found.
  • There was mention of the longer ladder but the discussion was dropped before any answers concerning that ladder could be given.
  • There were 8 shell casings on the roof after the shooting and they appear to match the shooter's gun.

That's it. Sorry to say, that's all I got from hours of listening to this crap.

Director Wray doesn't appear to be stonewalling, but he must be considering how little he has added to the conversation.

Greg - The Sniper in the Window

New bodycam video taken on the roof of the building at the Trump rally in Pennsylvania miraculously identifies the sniper in the second-story window - who took pictures of the shooter from that window an hour before the shooting - was still in the window after the shooting. His name is mentioned in the video - Greg.

Question is, where was Greg when the shooter crawled up the roof in clear view of Greg's window?

Twenty to thirty seconds into this video:

Police Bodycam Footage of Secret Service Responding to Trump Shooter on Roof Released, Snipers Took Photos of Crooks Before Shooting, Drone Sent to Water Tower (VIDEO)

Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Overwatch Failure at Trump Rally Explained

Watching the House Homeland Security Committee meeting today discussing the Trump Rally Shooting failure there was discussion about overwatch of the rooftop from which the shooter shot at President Trump. Although nobody gave an actual narration of what happened that day, here's what I took from the meeting.

There was indeed "overwatch" in the technical meaning of that word of the roof the shooter used. Video taken yesterday when that committee visited the site looks out the second story window that my previous posts discussed and indeed that window, which was open for yesterday's video gives a complete view of the roof. Had there been anybody looking out that window while Crooks crawled up the roof and took his shots, they would have been able to see him from close range and shoot him.

According to testimony given by Colonel Christopher L. Paris, Commissioner, Pennsylvania State Police:

The team assigned to that overwatch was a local SWAT team.

Twice that team were pulled out of the room, once to join the effort to spot Crooks on the grounds around the building and another time to move to windows on the opposite side of the building.

The revelations seemed to have already been known to committee members and was not detailed or thorough in any way during this testimony but to my knowledge this is the first time this information has been made public.


Or here on YouTube:

Examining the Assassination Attempt of July 13

The meeting begins around the 1:21:30 mark in the video. (That's an hour and twenty-one minutes.)

At 2:59:10 it is revealed why the team was inside the building, not on the roof. The building was air conditioned.

At 3:35:50 a discussion begins between a former sniper and the state police commissioner with video taken from one of the open second-story windows concerning how easily a SWAT sniper could have taken out Crooks, discusses public suspicion, and ends with insight into rhetoric by Democrats that encourage the assassination of Trump. The video itself is enlightening.

At 3:42:10 two pictures are presented from another of the windows om the second story of that same side of the two-story building. This window also clearly overlooks the roof where the shooter fired at Trump, where "overwatch" of the roof could have taken place.

Hate Mongering Continues

Just now I saw an ad on YouTube where Kamala Harris states, "Donald Trump is an existential threat" meaning he needs to be stopped. This is the same rhetoric Biden was preaching. So much for toning down the rhetoric, eh?

Tucker - The Shooting and a Whole Lot More

This conversation from yesterday, over two hours long, is in my opinion jaw-dropping. They even discuss the origin of evil. Good analysis of the shooting and why it appears to be an inside job. A brief untold story of what happened to Biden as he vanished from sight in Vegas a few days ago, a brief history of how nations fall and how that pertains to what we are going through now...

Tucker Carlson and Jack Posobiec React to the Trump Shooting and the Coup Against Biden

Time Stamp Today:

Oh, and this is the day that the Secret Service head (the scapegoat for the apparent failed attempt to execute Trump) resigns.

Game Changer

Here's a genuine game changer. You think you understand Trump?

Maybe not so much?

JD Vance Deep Ties To The Surveillance State! w/ Whitney Webb!

Monday, July 22, 2024

Rally Shooting Conspiracy Coverage

Yesterday I posted a link to a video on the Legally Armed America channel on YouTube that introduced strong suspicion that there were snipers - law enforcement people - on the second story of the building adjacent to and attached to the building the shooter used when he fired at President Trump and that anyone in the second story windows would have been able to see the shooter on the roof as he crouched to shoot at Trump.

Today the same channel released a video covering Secret Service Cheatle's testimony today to the House Oversight Committee. Do yourself a great favor and invest in the energy required to understand what this man is saying:

WHAT? Secret Ser. Dir. testifies that building 140 yards out was "outside" their security perimeter

Here's the thing. Director Cheatle repeatedly affirmed that there was "overwatch" over the roof the shooter was on. The overwatch was not by drone nor was it by helicopter or airplane and there were no security people on the water tower providing "overwatch". But there were official snipers inside this building, the two-story adjacent attached building. Had they been on the second floor, as some reports say they were, then this would qualify technically as "overwatch" of the shooter's roof. Cheatle wasn't lying about overwatch.

Secret Service Testimony - Phenomenal Stonewalling

Less than an hour ago the House of Representatives Oversight Committee opened their investigation of Secret Service failures affecting the July 13 assassination attempt. The director of the Secret Service is testifying.

Some early notes:

  • Democrats are focused on concentrating on identifying the problem as the gun the shooter used, an AR-15.
  • Director Cheatle, when sworn in, responded by moving her lips but making no sound.
  • Director Cheatle's opening statement volunteered no significant details concerning the Secret Service failure.
  • Director Cheatle is stonewalling questions about the details of what happened at the rally. Her position is that she won't discuss details of an ongoing investigation.
  • Director Cheatle used the word "oversight" when referring to Secret Service coverage of the rooftop the shooter used but didn't define what she meant by "oversight".

Correction: "overwatch"

There's more but it is clear that the Secret Service director does not want to or has been ordered not to discuss what went wrong that day. Let's hope they can get past the director's stonewalling.

Two hours in: "Everybody gets a kiss of the pig" referring to the 5-minute questioning period rule.

Great summary just prior to the 2-hour time by Mr. Biggs, Republican from Arizona.

Representative Raskin, Committee Minority Leader: AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... AR-15... 

Over two and a half hours into the hearing nobody in the committee has presented the image of the Secret Service perimeter of the site despite that the image of the perimeter has been public from the beginning.

Two hours and fifty minutes in when questioned by Representative Goldman, the Secret Service Director assures that there was overwatch of the rooftop on which the shooter took his shots.

Representative Talib - it's about guns and mass shootings and assault weapons... not about Secret Service protection at the Trump rally.

Three hours and forty minutes in - Nobody on the committee has followed up on the director's claim that there was "overwatch" of the roof to ask who was watching the roof. How can there be overwatch if nobody is watching? Who was watching that roof, from where were they watching, and what did they see?

Four hours and forty minutes later - The meeting is over. The Secret Service director stonewalled everybody asking her questions, Democrats and Republicans. The overall sentiment among Representatives is that this woman Cheatle should either resign immediately or be fired. Who could possibly disagree with that? I'm sure some DEI Democrats do disagree unfortunately but this woman failed America today.

But hey, so did Congress. Despite the fact that every time one of the House members asked Director Cheatle about the roof the shooter was on she replied that there was "overwatch". Time after time! Yet nobody thought to ask the question who was watching the roof and how were they watching it and what did they see going on there on top of that roof - OBVIOUS questions! As I write there is no official answer to those three simple questions.

So I conclude that this congressional interrogation was a pointless waste of time, political posturing for the upcoming election in which they all want to be reelected but not a serious inquiry.

No wonder Americans distrust Congress.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Second Floor Windows at Trump Rally Shooting - Confirmed

Ever since I took my virtual tour of the Butler Farm Show Airport on Google Earth the other day, I have been wondering why no news outlet has talked about the obvious second-story windows facing Trump's podium in the building adjacent to where the shooter's body was found after he had been shot.

That is no longer true. This obvious hole in the official story is now being revealed.

  • The shooter's position would have been clearly visible from these windows.
  • Officials clearly have claimed that law enforcement was on the second floor of this building.
  • The rally stage is in clear view of this window.
  • Helicopter footage of the site just after the shooting clearly shows an open second-story window on that second-story building from which a sniper could have fired shots at either the shooter (Crooks) or Donald Trump.
  • An eye witness saw people in these second-story windows while Crooks was on the roof of the adjacent building.
  • This helicopter footage also shows a ten-foot stepladder leaning against the wall of the structure Crooks reportedly used to gain access to the roof.
  • It was entirely possible that Crooks was shot from this open second-story window.
  • It is also entirely possible that a "second shooter" was shooting from that same open window, sort of a back-up shooter to finish the job if Crooks missed.
  • No officials have as yet addressed this obvious hole in the official story.
Anyway, here's the first video I use as my reference today:

ASSASSIN EYE-WITNESS: Police Are Lying about Rooftop Confrontation of Alleged Sniper – “The Guys on the Second Floor Were Watching – But They Didn’t Do Anything!”

And here is the second, much more in-depth video:

BREAKING: Evidence suggests second gunman involved in Trump assassination attempt

When you consider that it was impossible for any government snipers to be in this open second-story window and not see Crooks preparing to shoot, and that bystanders just outside this open window had for minutes been yelling notifying police of Crooks position on the roof, and that Secret Service left Trump on stage as a sitting duck for an assassin's bullet, it's really hard, and I mean really damned hard, to imagine that this attempted execution of Donald Trump was not an inside job.

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Second Floor Windows at Trump Rally Shooting

Two days ago I posted about the ladders that the shooter may have used to get onto the roof where he was photographed climbing into the position from which he could get shots off at the rally stage. I mentioned that there had been claims that the Secret Service opted to position snipers in the building rather than on its sloped roof. But they also said they had snipers both on the first floor and on the second floor.

Researching the site using Google Earth it was clear that the second-floor windows clearly overlook the area where the shooter was spotted by the crowd crawling into his shooting position. In other words, if there were official snipers on the second floor of this building they could have and should have been able to see the shooter preparing to take his shot.

The official story of the two-story building slipped into the memory hole never to be heard of again.

But this story with pictures remains:

TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM


I am beginning to feel that key elements of this story are beginning to vanish down the memory hole, especially on YouTube whose algorithms determine what information comes up when I search for specific information.

This seems particularly true when I search for anything about the second floor of the building the shooter used. I have a memory plaguing me where I heard somebody say (and I suspect it was the Secret Service director) that there were government snipers inside the building both on the first floor and on the second floor.

Snipers on the second floor of the building would have seen and heard spectators on the ground who were pointing to the shooter who would have been in clear view of any such second floor snipers.

So it seems to me that I should attempt to collect links to articles or video concerning snipers on the second floor.

In my search I came across a mention that the second floor in question wasn't in the shooter's building. I suspect that was propaganda. The article I linked to above talks about spectators seeing someone in a second story window prior to the shots being fired.

I have been unable to find the full unedited ABC video of the Secret Service director explaining why there were no government snipers stationed on the roof where the shooter took his shots so I am not able to confirm my shady memory of her being the one who claimed they were there.

So here I list sources talking about there being people on that second floor.

First, the video that I linked to above:

TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM

Next a Colorado Politics article dated today (July 20):

Police snipers were stationed in same building as Trump shooter

Secret Service director says the building was secured from the inside:

Police snipers were reportedly inside building Trump rally shooter fired from

Snipers on the second floor:

Police snipers were stationed in same building as Trump shooter

Sniper on the roof of the floor above: another failure of the US special services has been revealed

Secret Service confirms police snipers were in the adjacent building in this same complex:

Trump shooting: Secret Service changes story on local SWAT team position

In my opinion this confirms my claim that the government snipers were in the two-story building that is attached to the building where the shooter took his shots. The obvious reason for not stating this clearly is that it is obvious that the shooter could have easily been seen from any second story window in that two-story building that overlooked the rally crowd and the stage.

Friday, July 19, 2024

Secret Service Whistleblowers

This hasn't come out yet in the media for some strange reason:

BREAKING: Whistleblowers allege hardly any Secret Service agents at Trump rally during shooting

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Illusive Ladder(s)

The attempted assassination of Donald Trump story just gets weirder and weirder. One of the weirdest aspects is the mystery of how the shooter managed to get on that roof - this despite multiple pictures of ladders resting against the building near the shooter.

Ladders? You ask?

Why isn't the media reporting on ladders?

This media site is:

TRUMP ASSASSINATION: Crooks’ Impossible Path to the Roof at Butler, PA Rally (Analysis)


I just did a little research on my own on Google Earth and looked up this AGR building at the Butler Farm Show Airport. It took a bit to find the actual building but it's there. The Google Earth image is copyright 2024 so it should be current I would think. The roof that the shooter was on has a slight slope but it is on the north-facing slope.

I have seen comments about how could this guy be on a tin roof in the hot sun - wouldn't it be scorching hot? Probably not intolerably hot late in the afternoon on the north slope of the roof.

But there is one question I have been asking myself. The police sniper had the shooter in his sights but didn't shoot. Why not? Was there a danger of people behind the shooter being hit by a sniper bullet? Google Earth clearly shows that there was no place for people to stand behind the shooter. There's only more of these single-story commercial buildings. So no, the Secret Service sniper shouldn't have perceived that danger. He should have seen that he had a clear shot with little danger of anybody in the crowd being hit.

Another mystery is this:

 News reports have spoken about there being police snipers inside the building that the shooter was on and that it was a two-story building with snipers in the windows on both levels maintaining a vigil over the area where Trump was speaking. The building the shooter was on is only a one-story building but it is part of a complex of buildings and one of those buildings is a two-story structure just to the northwest of the shooter and that building has several windows that would have overlooked the crowd. The thing is, those windows all overlook the roof that the shooter was on.

Not pointing fingers, mind you, but what the heck!

Oh, and, just to theorize, but my guess is that the tall stepladder wasn't there when the shooter climbed on the roof. He used the shorter ladder on top of the plastic storage shed and the tall stepladder was put there by police after the shooter had been spotted. A true conspiracy theorist would say that some trusted authority working with the shooter put that tall stepladder there just in time for the shooter to use it but that means the shooter set up the short ladder as a decoy. Not a likely scenario in my mind, possible but not likely.

So the real question here is why have the authorities not talked about the ten-foot stepladder seen in the helicopter footage just after the shooting? It's obvious that it was there. The police concocted a story about the policeman who climbed to the roof and was turned back by the shooter and climbed up there on another policeman's back, but the eve of that roof looks to be more than ten feet high. Must have been some super tall cops? Nobody in the crowd on the other side of the building who videoed the shooter crawling up the roof saw the police attempt so that must have happened on the side that was facing away from the crowd and that would be the side where the tall stepladder was spotted by the media helicopter afterward.

I mean, not pointing fingers, but what the heck!

There's a lot more to this story that hasn't come out yet but why are the authorities keeping so many secrets and just spoon-feeding the public?

Update July 20:

Here is a July 18 article in the Gateway Pundit that I previously missed that has multiple pictures that clearly show the second-story windows that overlook the roof that the shooter was on:

TRUMP ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT: Federal Snipers Overlooked Rooftop Sniper from 40 FEET AWAY could have just WALKED OVER TO STOP HIM

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Stand Down

How long did the Secret Service sniper have the Trump wannabe assassin in his sites before he shot him?

Was he told to "stand down"?

I've watched the videos and I must admit, those questions have crossed my mind. So it surprised me when the discussion in this video turned to a discussion of online reports that exactly that happened.

Go to the 9 minute and 23 second point in this video:

🔴BREAKING NEWS: New Trump Shooting Failure Exposed | Obama BENCHING Biden!

Update - July 18:

It appears that this claim doesn't pass the fact check test.

False Claim About Fake Secret Service Agent Contributes to Rally Conspiracy Theories

That leaves the question open as to why the two snipers who had the shooter in sight well before Trump was shot didn't shoot until after he had taken multiple shots at Trump. Videos clearly show the two snipers focused on the shooter's location. When they finally did fire it was in precisely the same direction where they had been aiming their rifles. They were waiting for something.

While they waited, the Secret Service took no action to protect Trump so the suspicions persist.

Monday, July 15, 2024

Trump Shooting Questions

It hasn't been easy either yesterday or today to find meaningful information of the details of the Trump shooting in Pennsylvania Saturday, but this is the most comprehensive summary I have seen:

Weird Things About the Trump Shooting

It is inexplicable why Trump was left so vulnerable to this gunman by security. Video appears to show that Secret Service snipers had the shooter in their sights but waited for him to shoot.

Waiting for any kind of reasonable explanation, let alone an official confirmation of what video shows.

And the lady behind Trump? What gives?

Sunday, July 14, 2024

A Brief Trip through Heaven


A Prayer for Trump

This is Confirmation God is Protecting Trump! | Buddy Brown

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Victims or Oppressors?

Jews tend to think of their people as victims of a cruel, dark world of racial oppressors.

Maybe they are. The belief certainly has worked well for them over the centuries.

But consider this:

The Ways of the Jewish Slave Traders

The whole story of Jewish financiers of African slavery in the "New World" is much larger than just this one aspect, but the entire endeavor is one of the best kept secrets in modern history.

Pretend you never saw this.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Deeper Than Tucker - What Is Really Going On

From time to time Alex Jones comes up with something truly informative, something that clearly deserves to be on our radar screens.

Here's the most comprehensive new Trump conservative perspective I have ever seen (I think)...

BREAKING: Biden And Obama Locked In Blackmail War, Says Trump Insider

The book on Amazon:

Deep State Target: How I Got Caught in the Crosshairs of the Plot to Bring Down President Trump Hardcover – March 26, 2019

Thursday, July 11, 2024

What A Buzz!

Just finished watching the "big boys news conference". If you want to see Joe Biden at the top of his game, don't miss watching this show. What a buzz he had going!

And I swear, if the White House itself had written all the questions Biden took from these "reporters", nothing would have needed to be any different than what it was, if you get my meaning.

So if you want to see Biden at the top of his game, other than the gaff where he referred to his vice president as "Trump", then by all means experience this "big boys news conference" for yourself.




Two Ladies Talk and One of Them is Tulsi

Tulsi Gabbard on Trump's VP Decision, Jill Biden's Ego, and Joe Biden's Disastrous Foreign Policy

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Neat Biden Trick

I tend to get fooled by things that are out of the ordinary and happen with no explanation.

Here's a good example.

For the past umpteen years whenever I have seen a US President entering or exiting "Air Force One" the airplane has been a Boeing 747 Jumbo Jet, Right? I mean, haven't you noticed?

So, explain this:

President Joe Biden climbs steps to Air Force One at HIA

You see, although this airplane is clearly painted in the Air Force One paint scheme, it is not a 747. It's way smaller, way closer to the ground, and has way fewer steps to climb to get up into it.

My first guess is that this is a Boeing 757.

Which makes me wonder what the big deal was to get this video on YouTube and avoid any comments that might ask what this new Air Force One is, what kind of airplane it is? I mean, forgive me but this looks like a bit of gaslighting, like "Look, people. Look and see how easily Biden climbs into Air Force One now." - Or something...

Consider this:

Sharp as a Tack (Official Music Video) | Presidential Debate 2024 Parody Song

Problem Solved:

This answers the mystery:

The airplane is an Air Force C-32 known as Air Force Two although any air Force plane carrying the President goes by the call sign "Air Force One".

Air Force C-32

Sunday, July 07, 2024

Trump Masters the Art of Silent Shouting

I came across something this morning that seems like it should be getting some more attention. Biden, when responding on ABC to questions about why he was having problems during last month's debate with Trump, talked about how Trump was shouting at him while he was trying to speak and how, despite Trump's mic being turned off, it affected his ability to speak.

Thinking about that it occurred to me that if Trump indeed was shouting at Biden, why didn't news coverage of the debate report it? Every clip the I saw of the debate showed both men in a split screen with Trump on the left and Biden on the right. Wouldn't it be easy to notice Trump shouting? And wouldn't the news media be absolutely full of videos showing Trump shouting?

Yet when I just Googled to find stories of Trump shouting, I found nothing. I didn't even find stories about Biden's claim that Trump was shouting while his mic was muted.

It's as if the mainstream media is covering up the claim because they're still covering up Biden's cognitive disability! The President of the United States hearing voices that aren't there isn't something the media should be ignoring, is it? I mean, not if they're trying to earn back the public trust.

Saturday, July 06, 2024

Too Intense for Me to Comprehend

Here's a debate that I came across recently and tried to listen to. After two attempts I'm still less than halfway through, yet I want to hear it through.

The debate is between Candace Owens, founder of the Black Exit movement that she called "Blexit" which sought to convince Black people to stop seeing themselves as entitled victims and start taking responsibility for their own future and their own personal destinies. She sees Black victimhood as racism imposed on Black people by the liberal faction for political purposes, the weaponization, if you will, of racism by Democrats. Her aim is to lead Black individuals out of this political mindset and set them free to think for themselves. I have enormous respect for her by virtue of her daring and her outspoken success.

Recently, however, Candace Owens was victimized by the antisemite movement, a radical philosophy that by virtue of the status of the Jewish race as victims entitles Jews to special privileges, namely immunity from criticism.

That is the topic of this debate:

DEBATE: Is Everything Antisemitism? | Candace Ep 19

From my perspective, you can't get much more duplicitous than this Jew that Candice is debating but listening to him turns my stomach.

Wednesday, July 03, 2024

Trump Justice Is Coming

The Reckoning Is Here: Trump's Military Tribunal Bombshell Rocks America

I thought this was a good explanation of what Trump has been saying this election cycle.

Tuesday, July 02, 2024

My Good Deed for Today

The Slaves Rise Up.

Sharp - American Style

Before you see this video you should watch the presidential debate from the other night.

Full Debate: Biden and Trump in the First 2024 Presidential Debate | WSJ

Then watch this:

The Best Biden Ever | "Sharp as a Tack"